I woke up to very loud thunderstorms Saturday morning around 6 a.m. I immediately couldn't help but think..."there goes our day at Hershey Park." I know that this is pretty early to start jumping to conclusions but I had been keeping an eye on forecasts and weather info for Saturday all week in hopes that it just might be a clear day. It was actually calling for the opposite. It was calling for showers and thunderstorms throughout the whole day. I just kept my fingers crossed that these showers and thunderstorms had some breaks so that we would be able to enjoy our day at the park.
My Dad's work gave tickets out to their employees and their familys for this Saturday including catered picnic lunch in the park as well. Therefore, we were at least going to give it a try. Dylan woke up around 7 and I looked out the window to only see hard, drenching rain. I kept getting more bummed as the morning went while hoping the whole time that it would clear up soon. I called my Dad to make sure they were going to attempt the trip and they were already on the road driving. So it was official...we were going to at least drive over there, hope for the best and give the day a try. By the time Dust & Alisha got to our house, the rain started to lighten a bit. So we all packed up the car, jumped in, and drove to Hershey with our fingers crossed the whole time, lol.
Oh we all got wet that day but it turned out to be a fantastic day. The rain gave us quite a break. There were showers throughout the day but nothing too crazy...no thunderstorms at least. The sun even peaked out for a few minutes or so. It actually turned out to be
almost ideal. The weather was not too hot or humid. We only waited in line for one ride (the newest coaster, Fahrenheit) for 10-15 mins. That was probably the best part. We were able to hit the whole park in half a day since the usual hour or more wait in line was reduced to none. Dylan had a blast watching the rollercoasters, going to the zoo, and splashing in the puddles. Overall...a really great day! So Thank You Mother Nature giving us a break for the day! It turned out to be a Hershey Park Happy Day, lol! We all have to do that again soon! I promise not to trick you on any more coasters Alisha. Although I honestly don't remember that coaster being THAT big or bad, lol.
Dylan excitedly watching the rollercoasters. The area where the catered lunch was set up was literally right beside the big, bad, scary Fahrenheit rollercoaster. Therefore, as we ate our lunch, we got to watch train after train of very scared people flying around the twisty tracks. Dylan LOVED it!

Dust, Bran, Jeff,
Blake, Kenna, and Cam
The 6 of us trying to figure out what rollercoaster to hit up next.
Aunt Alisha posing with Dylan who apparently moved his head at the last second. Grandpa won the little Hershey Park bear for Dylan. We got off of our first rollercoaster to see him already with a stuffed animal. Apparently Grandpa has some theme park game skills. I never win any of those games!