My pregnancy with Dylan went way too smooth from the very beginning to the end. A few things were really sucky but not too many. First of all I was 7, 8, and 9 months pregnant during the hottest months of the year and one of the hottest summers as well. Not to mention I was a grand total of 45 pounds heavier than I was used to by the end. Oh the heartburn and leg cramps were the other things that were very irritating. Of course this is completely disregarding the every pregnancy syptoms like never being comfortable, not being able to sleep, and constant bladder issues, haha.
Anyway, we all made it to the end. My due date was the 25th of September and I had a doctor's appointment that day. They hooked me up to some machines to check things out since it was my due date and I was obviously not having this baby now. It was funny because I honestly didn't realize I was having contractions until the nurse asked me if I could feel them. I felt them the whole time but it wasn't what I was expecting. I just kept thinking it was little man stretching out and rolling around, haha. Needless to say, they were surprised that I was having so many contractions but they weren't regular or getting any stronger so I went home with another Dr's appointment set up for that Monday but the Dr. laughed and said there's a real good chance I'll see you before the weekend. This was a Wednesday.
Thursday rolls around and now I was actually having regular contractions but they were spaced out by like 20-30 mins and definatey weren't that strong and stayed like that the whole freakin' day. Jeff decided to stay home with me that day as well since they were getting so regular. Somewhere in the middle of the night they turned from "oh these aren't too bad" to "oh dear god" contractions. I remember trying to sleep in between the contractions which were still 15 mins apart, haha. Friday morning, Jeff's Birthday, was a very nerve wrecking morning. I knew I was obviously in labor now and was scared out of my mind. Now I had to freakin' wait at home until the contractions were so far apart for a couple hours! I thought they were all crazy but we stayed for what seemed like years. We finally left for the hopital around 4:00 pm I believe.
Of course Harrisburg Hospital is completely overflowing with women and babies, haha. Seriously every single room was full! I was so scared but luckily I still got a room right away. They were so busy that I didn't even have a nurse assigned to me for a few hours. While I waited, I jumped in the jacuzzi. Oh yeah...that was a good idea. Soon everything started happened so fast or at least it seemed like it for me. Jeff was amazing and he did it all on his birthday! Thank god for him and my mom who helped me get through everything. Dylan joined us at 11:30 p.m. on his Daddy's birthday, September 28th.
He weighed 7 pounds 7 ounces and was 20 inches long. He was so sweet from the very moment I saw him. He only cried or should I say screamed his head off until they were done weigh, measuring, and diapering. After that, he was so quiet and content and staring at everything around him. He was so beautiful and perfect in every way.