Tumbling Run is between Caledonia State Park & Pine Grove Furnace. It is an absolutely beautiful hike. This is how we decided to start off our vacation. We dropped Dylan off at Grandma Gray's house Monday morning and then heading out to climb up Tumbling Run and over to Lewis Rocks. This was our "first" vacation since Dylan was born. We took trips here and there all through the summer but not for this long. It was the first time either Jeff or I had been away from Dylan for more than 24 hours.

This is at the beginning of Tumbling Run. At first you just follow a decent size path along a stream up through Michaux State Forest (I think). It was a perfect day for a hike. When we first started I remember being just a little chilly but that didn't last long.

This is the bottom of falls. Everything past this point is just giant boulders, water, and trees. We went straight up through the rocks to the top. Clear skies, fresh air, no cell service. It was nice to get away, haha.

I think that this was by far the best spot on the whole hike. There was a lot of water rushing under all the rocks that you were standing on, under trees and roots too. All of the water was so spread out and going down through the rocks in so many different places.

This was at the top of Tumbling Run. Resting on a rock for a minute before we kept hiking across the top of the mountain to Lewis Rocks.
The view from the top. We seriously could not have picked a better day to hike up here. At the top, I could see several rows of mountains all of them varying in shades of blues and green.

At one point, Jeff climbed up some different rocks to get more pictures and while away I heard some loud crazy animal noises. I seriously thought I was about to be attacked by a bear or pig because that's what it sounded like. Nope...it was these huge, big, nasty, ugly, scary-looking birds!
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