I wanted to do a little tribute to the Grandparents, Aunts & Uncles from both sides. I'll start with my family, haha. They all love Dylan with all of their heart and it shows. They enjoy every second they get to spend with the munchkin. Everyone was so supportive! I remember being a little nervous telling my family that they were about to be grandparents, great-grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc. Ok...I lied. I was a little more than nervous, haha. I was nervous for no reason though. My family was extremely supportive through everything.

Anyone who has ever been pregnant knows how much it stinks to constantly outgrow your own clothes and have nothing to wear. I was so grateful when my step-mom, Chrissy, would bring me new clothes. It wasn’t just new clothes for me though. I worked until I was 8 1/2 months pregnant and had to look nice in the process. I couldn’t get away with wearing sweats or Jeff’s clothes like I did at home. It was just relieving to have someone remember the little things about being pregnant. This picture was taken by Dad & Chrissy the day were told them that we were expecting.

The day we went to the hospital, Jeff made a few calls to my family to let them know that “It’s time.” My Dad & Chrissy were in the waiting room for hours along with the Gray family while Jeff popped out to keep them updated from time to time. When my Mom arrived, she joined me in my room. Jeff and my mom helped me get through the hardest part of my labor. After I got the epidural, they laughed at me sipping on my apple juice and cracking jokes, haha.

After Dylan arrived, the nurses allowed everyone in the waiting room to come back and visit with us. Everyone was so excited to see their first grandson. This is my Dad holding Dylan right after they put the goopy crap in his eyes.

This is one of my favorite pictures. Dylan was 2 weeks old and we made a trip back home to visit with all of the family. Of course, I see this picture now and can’t believe how tiny he used to be.

Dylan & Grandma Ginger, or as she would like to be called “Mamma G,” haha. My Mom cuddling with her first grandson. He’s not going to be spoiled, is he, haha?

If Dylan doesn't get spoiled enough by the Grandparents then he definately gets it from his Uncle Dustin & Aunt Alisha. I was almost 9 months pregnant in their wedding with only 10 days to go until my due date. We all had our fingers crossed!

Aunt Blake, Nicole & Dylan. Blake was a little scared to hold Dylan at first when he was really really tiny, haha. If you walk into her bedroom at home, she has pictures of her nephew hanging up on the walls.

Uncle Cameron & Dylan. I think this picture is hilarious because these two look like they are up to something, haha. Cameron is one of Dylan's buddies. He likes playing with his Uncle and is usually all smiles with Cam.