This October has just recently started to feel like fall. The first few weeks of October still felt like the end of summer with temperatures still in the low 80's. Dylan loves going outside to play. We go outside several times during the day to burn off some of that high never-ending energy. Even when it's raining outside, Dylan will stand at the kitchen door and point outside. Therefore, we try to get outside to play in the beautiful sun whenever we can.

The very first thing on his agenda when we go outside to play, is to find some rocks. For some reason, the boy loves rocks. Water usually runs off of the roof and washes away all the dirt in one spot outside. That's usually the first place Dylan goes.

Dylan loves playing with a ball when we are outside too. He likes to carry, throw, and even kick the ball around. Maybe he'll be a soccer player, haha!

Dylan got this little ball for his birthday from Nicole and the two twins, Kadie & Kaylie. He also has a giant Spiderman beach ball that he got from Cam's graduation party that he loves to play with all the time.

Dylan definately burns off some energy outside. He runs around everywhere and investigates every little thing. He checks out the rocks, grass, bushes, and the leaves that have fallen to the ground. I usually end up with a collection of stuff that he also picks up and gives to me.

Dylan loves to watch the leaves rattle and the trees sway in the wind. He will stop whatever he is doing and point at the trees and say some words I don't quite get yet, haha. Sometimes he even waves to the trees and says "Hi."

Dylan & I playing outside together. Dylan thought it was hilarious when I took this picture for some reason. He was trying his hardest to help me "hold" the camera to take the picture. Unfortunately for him and forunately for me (for now), my arms are longer than his!
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