So this week Dylan had an appointment with his Dr. for a quick check-up and his MMR shot. He is always so good when we go to the Dr.'s office. When we first got there, he stood on the scale all by himself to get weighed and measured. The boy now weighs a little over 26 lbs and is officially 2'7". He is getting SO tall. I knew that he had gained some serious height because he can now reach things that he wasn't even close to before. Anyways, the Doc came in and checked him out and asked some questions. She told me that he is going to be a tall one, lol. His previous check-up she called him a "bruiser," haha. He even cracked her up by pointing to the thing they use to check blood pressure and said "Ball" in his super cute way. So now it was time for the dreaded shot. Dylan always had to get several during his previous visits but today it was just one. I held him on my lap and the nurses and I prepared for an upset baby. However, when they gave him the shot, he just puckered up a little. He never cried!!! Seriously a 15 month old baby that didn't cry when he got a shot. I was so proud! He is such a big boy or as Daddy always says "a little man." The nurse then gave him his first lollypop and we were on our way! The rest of the day he was happy, playful, and goofy as could be.

This is Dylan when he wakes up in the morning. The first priority is a cup of milk, lol. I just love this picture because he has that sweet, innocent look on his face with his lips sucked in.

The boy is starting to get A LOT of hair or at least compared to the baldie that he used to be. I was looking back at some pictures yesterday from a few months ago. Yes, just a few months ago, not even a long time ago. Even at his first birthday party, he had very little hair. That was actually about the time that it finally started to grow.

To show you what I mean, I have posted this picture which was only 4 months ago when he was 11 months old. See how bald he was. I mean, there was a tiny bit of hair there but it was more like peach fuzz. Now he actually has some hair and it's starting to get much longer too.

Once again, the snow escapes us and we are left with a "wintery mix" or ice coated everything, haha. The roads were never bad because the tempetures were too warm. However, everything else was coated with a thick layer of ice. Everything is still covered in ice today. However, when the wind blows, the ice starts breaking off the trees and glass-like pieces of ice come crashing down in our backyard, porch, and a few have even hit the house hard enough to make me go investigate the sound. We are still waiting for a good snow but I would not be upset if we do not get any, lol. Although my birthday is right around the corner and mother nature likes to give me it's own little birthday present almost every year. I swear that it might not snow at all until my birthday is here and then we'll get a big storm, haha. It must know how much I "love" snow, lol.
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