While Dylan is taking his second nap of the day, I decided to post the events of our crazy day. Today started out like any other day. We had a fantastic morning. We played, talked, sung, and danced. Little man became tired and decided it was time for an early nap today. He sleep for about an hour. Dylan got up and played between the living room and kitchen while I started making the both of us some lunch. And then it happened....

Dylan came running from the living room to the kitchen. About half way across, he tripped, fell, and hit his face on the kitchen floor. I came running and quick. I scooped him up and realized he was bleeding and quite a bit so we ran to the bathroom to assess the damage. This was all pretty scary. Dylan has been hurt before but never this bad. After a few minutes, I could finally see that his tooth cut his lip when he fell. He calmed down almost right away and kept trying to touch his newly puffy lip. So it was quite a scary afternoon for both of us but luckily it is not as bad as it immediately appeared. Within 20 minutes or so he was already jumping his 4 wheeler and laughing at the fish (one of his new favorite hobbies).
You are way better than me, I would have had called 911 and paramedics on the way! ha ha ha wow...scary scary scary!!! kids shouldn't be this scary! and i've not even had this yet....you are a brave women, and a wonderful mom! You handled it with GRACE! ha ha ha
I could never imagine how I would react in this situation. I kinda just did. I was so freakin' scared. Once I had his face cleaned up enough and I could see how bad it was then I could start thinking again. I swear I was just on auto-pilot until then, lol. Of course, as soon as I realized that he was ok and we weren't heading to the hospital or anything, I started crying. It all just hit me at once and by then Dylan was looking at me like I was a goof for crying, lol.
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