
March 6, 2009

Yay for the Spring-like weather!

Today was an absolutely beautiful day.  It was so warm outside that I (always cold Brandi) didn't even have a jacket on!  I'm not sure how warm it actually got but boy did it finally feel like Spring.  Unfortunately, it is not supposed to last for very long.  Dylan & I decided to get out and enjoy this beautiful weather while it lasted.  

Dylan & I went to a cute, clean park that is not too far from our house.  I actually just found out that this park existed not too long ago.  It has all kinds of play gyms, slides, swings, etc to entertain any age.  We went to the park on Thursday even though the wind was a little chilly.  Dylan didn't seem to mind too much.  He has his coat on & ran around constantly, lol.  He had such a blast playing that when it was time to leave, this is what I got, lol.

I promised Dylan that we would go back to the park soon as long as the weather was nice.  Friday rolls around and like I mentioned earlier, it was absolutely beautiful outside.  So instead of doing some household chores, we decided to pack up and head back to the park to play!!!  It was too nice to waste the day inside!  When we first got to the park, there were not too many children there.  There was a little 15 month old boy that seemed intrigued by Dylan.  They got along really well and decided to play together.  It was quite adorable.  So Dylan made another little friend who we promised to come back to play with soon, lol!  After the schools let out, the park started to fill up with kids of all ages and Dylan was not shy at all!

It took no time at all for Dylan to be brave enough to climb the little jungle gyms all by himself and finally worked up the courage to go down the slide all by himself.  He used to always want to hold my hand as he slide down, lol.  After he went down the slide by himself for the first time, he let our a roar of laughter and immediately climbed the steps to repeat.  Needless to say, he had an absolute blast climbing, playing, & socializing all day.  We can't wait for the weather to stay nice now that we know about this "gem" of a park so that we can go play all the time!

Here are a couple more videos from Dylan playing at the playground. I wish I would have taken some video on Friday when it was much nicer but I left my camera at home (sad face), lol.

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