
September 14, 2009

Friend & Foe

Anyone who knows me well...knows that I am absolute terrified of spiders. I am the text-book example of someone with arachnophobia. It doesn't matter how small or harmless it may be, I am usually running, screaming, and even sometimes crying (depending on how close it was) to get away from it as soon as possible. I wasn't always this extreme. I found a wolf spider in my bedroom when I was a teenager which pretty much peaked my fear. If you don't know what kind of spider it is...go it. It will scare the crap out of you, lol. I also have been bitten several times by spiders and even have a small scar on my face to remember. Now that I gave you a background on my intense fear of spiders...I have made a new friend, LOL.

This summer has been the summer of bees. I don't know what happened but they are all crazy this year. We have been trying to deal with a yellow jacket problem. They have made a home at the top corner of our townhouse next to the gutter. We have sprayed them several times but nothing seems to work. Last week...we found an enormous spider that had set up shop in the same corner as the bees but on ground level. In no time at all...he had something in his web. After looking a little closer...we realized that it was a yellow jacket. Yay! I hope he kinda stays. It's a love/hate thing for me. I'm sick of the stupid bees and anything that is going to kill them is a friend of mine, lol. On the other hand...I keep my distance. He still creeps me out! However...I will not disturb him. He is doing a fine job because the very next day, he had another yellow jacket wrapped up. Keep going buddy!

1 comment:

lyss23 said...

Okay I totally share your fear of spiders and will run and scream like a little pansy when I see one...but I'm on the fence about it killing bee's. I sorta don't mind that little guy for getting rid of another thing i'm scared of! ha ha ha But either way...wicked picture!!!