
December 7, 2009

First Snow of '09

The first snowflakes of '09 started falling Saturday morning.  Dylan was quite excited.  Especially when we bundled up & went outside to play!

Daddy was teaching Dylan how to make snowballs.  Of course, that was his favorite part about the snow...snowballs!

Dylan & Daddy playing outside in what little snow that was left on the ground on Sunday.  Take a real good look at this picture....  can you spot any differences in Jeff & Dylan other than size, lol?  Seriously, the arms & all, exactly the same, LOL.

Dylan & Daddy built this snowman on Saturday while I was making us dinner.  At one point, Dylan came running back in the house & was so excited he could barely find the words he wanted to say.  Eventually he told me that he needed a nose for his snowman & I sent him back outside with a carrot, haha.  I had to get a picture of Dylan's first snowman the next day before he melted, lol.

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