
January 4, 2010

Christmas 2009

Christmas of 2009 was a white Christmas!  We actually got a ton of snow right before Christmas as you can see from the previous post.  Due to this snow & some freezing rain as well, our Christmas parties & gatherings were mixed up and moved around.  We tried to make it to as many houses as we could over Christmas & still have a little bit of catching up to do.  I finally got around to transfering some pictures from the camera to the computer and putting them up on the blog.  Sorry it has taken a little bit but Dylan has been keeping me quite busy with all the new toys to play with, lol.  Enjoy!

Dylan's 2009 Christmas picture.  It is almost unbelievable how much Dylan has changed between last Christmas and this one.  The most noticeable thing is the very long red hair.  The non-physical aspects of his growth are outstanding as well.  It is sometimes hard to grasp how much he has changed.  I love my own blog for that sometimes, lol.  I have been doing this blog for over a year now and I love looking back at all of the old posts to reminisce. This parenthood thing is one crazy ride. I'm just trying to hold on for the ride & enjoy every second of it!

On Christmas Eve, we attended Grandma Ginger's Christmas party with all of the Faith/Guyer side of the family. Dylan was super stoked to pass out presents to everyone.  He did a really good job too!

Justen & Dylan
These two are buddies & get along very very well. Justen hand-picked Dylan's Christmas present again this year. Dylan, of course, loved them.

When Dylan woke up on Christmas morning, he was still very excited about all the new things that he opened on Christmas Eve at Grandma's house.  It took him a couple minutes to realize there was a whole new stack of presents piled up under the tree.  Once he realized that they were there, he grabbed the biggest one first and started ripping away paper.

Not only did Dylan open the presents, but usually the box that it was in as well.  He wanted to play with each individual toy before he moved on to the next present, ha ha.

Dylan checking out his new yellow submarine.

On Christmas Day, we actually ended up staying home due to freezing rain & ice.  We stayed in and played with all the new toys.  The day after Christmas, however, we tried to make up a few Christmas gatherings and ended up visiting lots of family & three different houses by the time we were done.

Dylan opening some presents at Grandma & Grandpa Gray's house. After we stopped by Grandma & Grandpa Gray's house, we drove to Great-Grandpa Gallagher's house for another Christmas party with the Gray/Gallagher family.

After we left Great-Grandpa Gallagher's house, we headed to Grandma & Pappy Faith's house to visit with them since we missed their family Christmas party.  I had to throw this one in here, lol.  Oh yeah!  I got a McNabb jersey for Christmas.

Dylan & Pappy Faith playing & "fixing" cars.

Thank You to everyone for all the awesome gifts.  We hope everyone had a wonderful holiday!

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