
March 2, 2010

"Ziggy Says" Contest

Ziggy Marley has a children's album out called Family Time.  Although we do not have the whole album, Jeff bought a live album of Ziggy Marley that included a few of his songs from Family Time.  Included in these songs was an ABC song, "Family Time", and "Ziggy Says."  Dylan LOVES these songs.  He loves to dance to them too.  So when I heard a few months ago that Ziggy Marley was having a "Ziggy Says" Contest I decided to check it out.  You were supposed to send a video of your little one dancing to the song and even though Dylan didn't know all the motions, he danced his own kind of way to that song.  It was too adorable and decided that I should at least try.  What's the harm in trying?  So I sent in Dylan's video.  I know I've posted it on here before and could be found by digging through the videos but just to make it easier I'm reposting it in this post, ha ha.

The winner of this contest received a signed Fender guitar!!!  Unfortunately Dylan was not the winner.  I did, however, get an email saying that Ziggy loved all the entries so much that he wanted to send everyone a little something.  That something came in the mail yesterday.  I was expecting maybe a t-shirt or some stickers or something pretty small so I was quite impressed when I saw all of this.  Dylan was too!  He hasn't put that Yo-yo down yet and he doesn't even know how to play with it, lol.  Most of the time he drags it around like he is leading a pet on a leash, ha ha ha.  Either way... I figured I would share the story and a picture of Dylan's first contest.

Dylan got a t-shirt, autographed picture, yo-yo, stickers, a patch, and a couple of notebooks with Bob on them.  Very cool!  I think I'm claiming that notebook on top though... Can I take commission for sending in the video, ha ha ha.

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