
August 23, 2010

Moving & Playing

Jeff helped a good friend of ours, Brad, move some large furniture and other things into his new house.  Meanwhile, Charlotte & Dylan got to catch up on their play time together.  Dylan had been asking about going to play with Charlotte.  No lie... he told me, "Mommy.  I really need to go to Brad's house to play cars with Charlotte."  Needless to say, they did play with some cars!  These two get along exceptionally well and are so close in age.  It is very nice that they play so nicely and always have a blast when playing together.  It can be a bit tough on the ears when they get a bit wound up though because 2-3 year olds have giggles and squeals that reach a very high pitch, lol.  But seriously, they love playing with each other and Dylan can't wait to go back to visit her again soon!

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