
October 12, 2010

Dylan's 1st Dirt Bike

Daddy & Dylan checking out the new helmet & dirt bike.  Yes, they actually make them that small.  I was surprised too, ha ha.  You can even put training wheels on it, as you can see.

Dylan trying on the new helmet with Daddy & waving hi to Mommy.

Dylan listening to Grandpa Gray talking about all the bikes parts and what they do.
I must say, that's a pretty cool looking helmet!

Um... yeah.  The "big" kids had to have fun too, ha ha ha!

See... even Grandpa Gray couldn't resist the munchkin bike.  Although, watching the "big" boys ride his little bike probably gave him a little more motivation to give it a try.

Dylan is very cautious about anything new.  It always takes him a little bit to warm up to anything new.  Even riding his powerwheels 4 wheeler was followed by a couple rides with Mommy first.  Dylan took Daddy for a couple rides on the bike first to warm up to it a bit.  Not to mention, Daddy could have a chance to show him how everything works and what not.  I was so scared but Mr. Brave decided to put his helmet on and give his bike a try all on his own.  I am comforted by the helmet & training wheels but will probably always be nervous when he rides a bike.  But I'm a Mom, what do you expect, ha ha.

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