Jacob's 2nd month was a bit more challenging than the first, believe it or not. He gave us a couple of weeks of sleepless nights coupled with gassy issues, ha ha. Either way, it passed and we survived. He is back to his super happy & sweet self. Jacob is a very smiley kiddo. All you have to do is smile at him & he lights right up. Jacob had a few giggles already too! He is very close to rolling over. One of his new favorite past times is staring at his fists with amazement which he holds straight up in the air. He is so comical to watch.
As you can see from the picture above, he has chunked up quite a bit too! At his 2 month check-up, he weighed 13 pounds 12 ounces & measured 24 inches long. He has already almost doubled his birth weight. He is one solid little boy!
Poor Jacob had to get his first round of vaccines as well at this check-up. He surprised me! He only screamed with the initial shot but was done by the time they got the band-aid on his leg. What a champ!!!
Happy 2nd Month Jacob!
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