
January 27, 2011

Jacob - Month 3

It's hard to believe, three months have passed since little Jacob came to join us.  He seems to be growing at an incredible rate.  Entirely too fast for a Mommy who wanted to enjoy as much baby time as possible, ha ha.  Jacob already weighs 15 pounds!  He has outgrown most 3-6 month clothing and he's only 3 months old.  When I put a 6-9 month sleeper and realized how well it fit, I was shocked!

Jacob has also slept through the night a handful more times now.  It's not consistent yet, but I know that is right around the corner!  I'm so ecstatic to have a 3 month old that actually sleeps in his crib, haha.  That was one of few struggles we faced with Dylan.  Jacob, on the other hand, is much more difficult to get to sleep and put down when sleeping.  These two boys are so very different at times.

Happy 3 Months, Jacob!

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