Dylan running around the kitchen dressed up as Elmo doing his new laugh.

Happy Halloween! Dylan celebrated his 2nd Halloween this year. However, he didn't really celebrate last year considering he was one month old. This year Dylan got to dress up as a giant Elmo. Dylan enjoyed running all over the house dressed up as Elmo and handing candy out to the trick-or-treaters!

Dylan was a little unsure about this Elmo costume until he had it for about 30 seconds. Out of nowhere, Dylan takes off squealing and running laps between the living room and the kitchen. He only stops just long enough to get one or two pictures and then off he goes again.

I know this one is a little blurry but the big smile on is face is hilarious. I definitely think that Dylan enjoyed this Halloween much more than the last.

Dylan stopping just long enough for me to snap a picture. Once again, he flashes his biggest, cheesiest smile and then off he goes.

It was pretty funny to watch him run around in this because he would constantly look down at his feet as he ran around. With his head down the whole time, the head of the Elmo looked pretty normal, lol. It really did look like a giant Elmo running around the house.
Dylan's First Halloween '07.
1 comment:
ohhhhhhhhhh my tooo cute! I can't wait for baby d to get that cute!!! lol that laugh is to die for!
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