Imitation Central. Dylan started imitating little things we do a long time ago but now it's pretty much all he does. This was a Saturday or Sunday morning and Daddy was making us breakfast. As soon as Jeff started cooking, Dylan ran over to the cupboard with all the pots and pans and started pulling out his materials. The minute Jeff or I start cooking anything, Dylan always pulls out all the pots, pans, and lids. He really has a blast if you add a wooden spoon to the mixture because he sits next to all the pans on the floor and pretends to stir invisible food.

An example of Dylan's set up when trying to help Mom cook dinner. He usually uses most or all of the pans and lids that are left in the cupboard. For some reason, Dylan wanted to cook on the other side of the kitchen this day. He normally sets up shop somewhere nearby.

Unfortunately for me, Dylan playing with the pots, pans, and lids tends to be quite loud. The day Dylan realized that banging two lids together makes an incredibly loud crashing sound, I realized that Advil might be my new best friend.
Dylan will attempt to imitate any face that you make at him. He usually can do a pretty good rendition of it too. Dylan has so many crazy faces. This one is usually accompanied by an "Ooo Ooo Ooo," which I think almost sounds like the Count from Sesame Street.

Out of nowhere, or at least what seemed like it, Dylan began "brushing" his hair on his own. As you can see, he hasn't worked out the finer details of it yet but he definitely has the idea. He figured it out just in time too. The boy is finally starting to get some hair!
This picture looks hilarious. Dylan was imitating my kissy face but for some reason he kept squeezing his eyes shut and nodding his head at the same time, lol. Dylan also imitates pretty much any movement you make too!
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