
May 1, 2009

Zoo America & Chocolate World

It was absolutely gorgeous this past weekend, maybe even a little too hot! Since it was such a nice day, we decided we were going to adventure over to Hershey to visit Zoo America & Chocolate World too.


This is an American Alligator. Why does he look so familiar? Oh I remember, lol. Anyway, Zoo America has animals that can be found anywhere in the United States. I just decided to put up a few of the better pictures we got. So here are a few more animals.
Dylan yelled "Bird" so loud once he saw this hawk move, lol. It was really cute.

This little guy was actually sitting on a woman's hand. Last weekend was supposed to be some sort of "Celebrating the Earth" weekend for Earth Day but unfortunately we did not get to see much or most of it. This guy, however, was still out and about so Dylan got to see him up close and personal, haha.

Daddy's awesome photography skills of some random spider he found beside a path. I'm glad I didn't see him, lol.

It was SO HOT! Yes, I am aware that I had a long sleeve shirt on and I admit, sometimes I am a fool when it comes to weather and temperatures, lol. I learned my lesson. Poor Dylan was already in shorts and a t-shirt and he was roasting too. He turns bright red the minute he gets hot, lol. He has the "Polar Bear" gene I guess.

Dylan & Mom checking out some animals at Zoo America.

(where the air conditioning lives)

Dylan, Mommy & Daddy hanging out and cooling off for a bit before getting on the Chocolate Tour Ride.

Dylan loved the ride. He was checking out everything. When he saw the cows, he pointed at them and yelled "Cows!"

Mmmm...chocolate. I so wanted to reach out and steal some but my luck they would be empty packaging, lol. I doubt they have real packaged chocolate just for the tour ride, lol.

Overall, it was a really fun day. I can't wait to go back to Hershey Park this summer. All of us are going to the actual park in June with Grandma & Grandpa Faith and I'm sure some Aunts & Uncles too.  It's going to be so much fun!

1 comment:

lyss23 said...

oh how fun!!! and look at you pushing that stroller! lol You take great pictures of those animals!!!! Zoo's are sooo much fun!!!