During the first week of April, there was a day that we saw snow flurries. I know you immediately think I might be exaggerating but really, I'm not. It was just flurries. There was no snow on the actual ground but huge, fat snowflakes were falling from the sky at a brisk rate. Now we are in the last week of April. Last weekend and so far this week, the temperatures have been in the high 80's and low 90's. Not to mention, the weeks of rainy, chilly weather that April normally brings, fell in the middle. We just experienced basically every season all in the month of April. Anybody want to still argue that global warming doesn't exist, lol?

Dylan loves to pour stuff. Typically, it is not the type of stuff that you want him to be pouring like apple juice or milk, lol. I gave Dylan a container with some water and a few little containers to pour, dump, spill and splash to his heart's desire, haha.

It all started with him pouring water from one small container to the next but quickly advanced on to throwing/splashing water all over. I'm sure the chilly water felt great considering it was 90 degrees out!!!

Dylan running around the yard! He would fill up the container with water, run as fast as he could all over the yard, and laugh at the water flying out and splashing everywhere. Maybe we need to invest in a sprinkler or something this summer, ha ha.

Dylan and I playing tag!
He was IT!
Although it is very hot, something tells me Dylan is looking forward to the Summer! Lots of fun in the sun!
I agree...we are investing in a 15 dollar pool at walmart for D! Can't beat it and TONS of fun to be had!!! You may have your hands full this summer girl, he looks like he is on the move!!!
Yeah...last summer was easy because he was walking...but pretty slow, LOL. Now he is almost faster than me, lol. I don't know if that's a huge compliment to him or pointing out that I am out of shape, haha.
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