
April 8, 2009

Dirt in There

Recently, Dylan has figured out an easy way to turn his fourwheeler around and quickly, lol. Now Dylan can take laps around the kitchen and living room. Luckily, it's not at very fast speeds, haha. So this afternoon, Dylan decided he was going to do some laps on his Kawasaki while I was washing some dishes. When I was done, I finally picked up the camera to capture his new found skill.

Shortly after I turned on the camera, Dylan started pointing at the vacuum and telling me "Babuum." Dylan and this vacuum have quite a history. Dylan used to be terrified on it but only when it was not on and simply sitting nearby. He is and always has been very aware of its presence if it is not stashed away in the kitchen closet where it lives. Oh and he knows that it is in there too. He points and labels every time the closet doors open, lol. Anyway, Dylan is not scared of the vacuum anymore but still fascinated by it.

So I realized after watching the video, that he was trying to tell me "there's dirt in there" for a bit before I even picked up on it. I thought he was just repeating me like he normally does at first, but soon realized that he was sure he knew what that vacuum had in it and what it does, ha ha. I find it amazing that I am absolutely amazed by Dylan every single day in one way or another! He picks up new stuff all the time and I can't believe how fast he is growing! Has it really been a year and a half, ha ha.

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