"It's not only children who grow. Parents do too. As much as we watch to see what our children do with their lives, they are watching us to see what we do with ours. I can't tell my children to reach for the sun. All I can do is reach for it, myself." ~ Joyce Maynard
This past weekend, Daddy & Mommy took a much needed break from "everyday" life. We decided to let Grandma & Grandpa Gray take over for a couple of days, lol. That way, both Mommy & Daddy, get a "mini-vacation." Not that I needed time away from my adorable little angel, but I must admit, it was quite nice to not have to think or do anything for an entire day, haha. Anyways, long story short, Jeff & I decided it was about time for us to have a nice place to hang out and relax on our back patio. We have been talking about this for years, literally! We finally went out shopping to make our patio much nicer and comfortable too, lol. So while Dylan was away, we went shopping, lol. Anything like this HAS to come in a big box. We found that there is more than just one use for a box this size!
Dylan came home and instantly started checking out all the new stuff, as he always does. He always makes sure things are the same and if they are not, he'll let you know, lol. Anyways, Dylan liked the huge boxes that were still left over from our new purchases. I didn't realize it at the time but Daddy apparently already had an idea for the biggest of boxes, haha. While Dylan ate lunch, Daddy made a little fort/clubhouse for Dylan with a swinging door, window, and even some skylights, hahaha.
As you can see, the fort/clubhouse was a huge hit with Dylan. We gave him some of his crayons to decorate his new little clubhouse. Dylan spent all day playing in and out of his new clubhouse. For the first hour or so, he kept waving, saying goodbye, walking in his house, and pulling the door shut. Then he would pop back and say "Hi."
As you can see, large boxes can be a blast, especially with a creative Daddy who had this in his mind from the moment the big box was empty, haha. These are just a couple of pictures that I took this morning. Dylan wasted no time and playing in the clubhouse was the first thing on his agenda.
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