
April 16, 2010

Beautiful Weather & Logan Park

Dylan & I love going to the park to enjoy a day out in beautiful weather.  It was absolutely gorgeous out so we decided to go play at the park for the morning.

This is a picture of Dylan at the highest point on the whole playground.  He loves that fact that he can climb anywhere and everywhere.  Apparently he has no fear of heights, lol.

Dylan sliding down the biggest slide on the playground.  He burns so much energy while we are there running from one jungle gym to another playing on anything that he can find.  It's great for a solid nap time as well, lol.

Take a moment to really see what's going on in this picture.  Look at what Dylan's feet are standing on.  Yes... he thinks he can do anything now.  He saw a 4 year old climb this.  Within 2 minutes or so, he attempted to climb down and then back up.  The only real problem is... his legs aren't quite long enough to make it to the next step.  That doesn't stop him from trying... or me having a heart attack about it.  I try not to hover & let him be a kid.  I think back to when I was a kid and I climbed literally everything.  Therefore, I try not to be too overprotective and let him enjoy exploring & learning new things he can do.  But oh man oh man, it is not easy.

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