
April 15, 2010

Big Boy Haircut

Up until this point, I've trimmed Dylan's hair when it has gotten a bit out of control.  I wasn't ready for the big boy haircut yet and loved, loved his beautiful long red hair.  I got brave today and decided that maybe it's time to go for our "first big boy haircut."  This is a picture of Dylan waiting to get his haircut.  Bunny kept him company until it was time to climb up into the chair, lol.

Dylan was an extremely big boy and sat in the chair all by himself.  He didn't crack a smile or talk to the lady when she asked him questions because his shy, unsure part of him took over.  But that's quite all right because he did sit extremely still the entire time she cut his hair.  He eventually did talk to her when it was all said and done with.  He told her "Thank You" and even got a lollipop for being such a big boy.

So here is the new Big Boy Haircut...  I'll have to grab some more pictures because this one is kind of hard to really see anything except how short it is in the front.  I think this haircut has taken what little baby boy I had left... now he looks so much older or grown up.

I'll try to add more haircut pictures to this later so you can see more of his big boy haircut.

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