The time has come for The Peanut Journey to move elsewhere. The name is the same but the address is different. I am trying to get everything in order at the new site. I will keep this blog up for some time so that everyone can follow the link for the time being...
The "new" Peanut Journey...
"It's not only children who grow. Parents do too. As much as we watch to see what our children do with their lives, they are watching us to see what we do with ours. I can't tell my children to reach for the sun. All I can do is reach for it, myself." ~ Joyce Maynard
May 23, 2011
May 21, 2011
May 5, 2011
Spring Time Fun
Daddy teaching Dylan how to cast his very own fishing pole. Over Easter, Dylan got a fishing pole from Grandma & Pappy Faith. There is a little rubber tire that you can attach to the end of it instead of a hook so that Dylan can practice his casting & reeling in the yard too.
Dylan also got a giant water gun from Momma G for Easter. We had extremely nice weather this week so Dylan was able to enjoy it outside. By the end of the day, he was soaked from head to toe & completely wore out. He had a blast though.
Dylan also got a giant water gun from Momma G for Easter. We had extremely nice weather this week so Dylan was able to enjoy it outside. By the end of the day, he was soaked from head to toe & completely wore out. He had a blast though.
The Entertained
Dylan is the ultimate entertainer in Jacob's eyes. I'm not exaggerating when I say that Dylan has Jacob's attention far more than anyone else. Dylan is starting to pick up on the fact that his brother watches every move and tries to grab toys that he's playing with.... Therefore, Dylan now entertains as well.
April 27, 2011
Jacob - 6 Months
So our last trip to the doctor, the nurse made a slight mistake in measuring the very wiggly Jacob. I understand, he's quite a determined, wiggly boy. Anyways... Jacob now measures 28 inches long and weighs 20 pounds. Hopefully his ridiculous growth spurt has slowed a bit. He sits on the 90th percentile across the board. He still has a linebacker frame, lol. Jacob can pivot and scoot slowly to where he wants to go now and has recently moved from the "swimming" motion stage to starting to be able to get his knees under himself. I guess it won't be long until I'm chasing another boy around this house. Aside from new accomplishments, Jacob's favorite foods so far are carrots, sweet potatoes, bananas and applesauce... You should see the face I get when I give him green beans though, haha.
Happy 6 Months, Jacob!
Easter 2011
Dylan, Jacob, Jeff & I began our Easter adventures at Grandma & Pappy Faith's house. There was an area specifically for Dylan to hunt Easter eggs. There also was an "Adult" area with hidden Easter eggs including special prize eggs. Fun, fun times.
The Easter Bunny hid eggs at our house which Dylan hunted in the morning when he woke up. He also hunted eggs at Grandma & Pappy Faith's house & Great-Grandma & Pappy Sheets' house. That's a lot of egg hunting! This picture doesn't show it, but Dylan was ecstatic to hunt for eggs this year!

The Easter Bunny hid eggs at our house which Dylan hunted in the morning when he woke up. He also hunted eggs at Grandma & Pappy Faith's house & Great-Grandma & Pappy Sheets' house. That's a lot of egg hunting! This picture doesn't show it, but Dylan was ecstatic to hunt for eggs this year!

Uncle Cameron & Jacob
I love the faces that both of them are making in this picture!
We ended our marathon of an Easter at Grandma & Grandpa Gray's house for dinner. Shortly after dinner, Dylan and I were playing outside on the porch with cars as it started to rain.
There are very few instances when the weather is perfect for playing in the rain and this day was one of them. It was very warm... no lightning... I had extra clothes for him... Go for it buddy! He ran around with the biggest grin on his face only stopping to splash in puddles here and there.
April 20, 2011
Brotherly Love
Dylan always wants to "hold" Jacob. Being the big, strong baby that he is, Jacob makes it nearly impossible to "hold" him these days and would much rather just sit on you or next to you, haha. These two were too cute! I had to grab the camera quick to take a picture. They sat like this for an entire 30 minute cartoon of Word World. Jacob really cuddled in close to Dylan. Two very cute little boys...
April 8, 2011
The Bottle Battle
Dylan loves to help with all kinds of things around the house. I am not surprised that he always wants to help do everything with Jacob too. Jacob has been doing well with drinking from a bottle finally so I gave Dylan the chance to try to hold the bottle for him. The bottle battle has been a long fought one but I finally feel like I have some high ground now. I feel like I'm on the winning side of the battle so much that it's not too much of a battle anymore. Good fight young one... Anyway, Dylan did extremely well. Jacob too. Dylan was so into it and immediately asked if he could feed Jacob again when it's time for his next bottle. Awesome!
Word World Song
April 1, 2011
March 27, 2011
Jacob - Month 5
Jacob is one very solid baby. He has outgrown an immense amount of baby clothes. He weighs 19 pounds already. It's not the weight that is causing him to outgrow all his clothes, it's his height! The boy is 26 1/2 inches long and most of that being torso. Onesies, sleepers, or anything with snaps have to be in larger sizes
He continues to entertain with his laughs, smiles, sqeuals and expressions... as seen above.
Happy 5 months, Jacob!
March 22, 2011
Baby Jeff
Thank you Mary for the baby pictures of Jeff. I knew that Jacob looked like Jeff but I didn't quite realize how much he looked like him until now. Funny story... as I am posting these pictures, Dylan looks up at them and says, "Is that Jake?"
March 21, 2011
Tummy Time
Jacob enjoying some tummy time & practicing his rolling skills.
I love the classic string of drool dangling from his lip.
Look! We shrunk Jeff! Talk about a mini-me. Maybe it's just me, but when I saw this picture all I can see is a much smaller version of Jeff with no facial hair, haha. Maybe it's just the angle or something. Who knows. I do think that he looks more and more like Jeff as he grows though.
Cuddling & Cartoons
Dylan is so sweet to his little brother. He enjoys playing & interacting with him more and more each day. In this picture, they are cuddling on Mommy's bed & watching morning cartoons together. I love that Dylan was playing with Jacob's hair, lol. Jacob's hair, by the way, stands up like that on it's own. Yes, he actually has a natural mohawk. I didn't even know that was possible.
March 18, 2011
Homemade Chocolate Cupcakes
Homemade Chocolate Cupcakes
(Round 2)
Dylan loves to help me when I am baking anything. He already has quite a list of accomplishments including all sorts of cookies, pizza dough and cupcakes too! He does the pouring & Mommy does the mixing. However, if it can be mixed by hand, Dylan will take over. He's a great helper.
His favorite part is being the taste tester for the frosting & decorating with sprinkles!
March Monsoon
One very, very rainy weekend, Dylan went outside to splash in the puddles. There was a small stream running through our backyard. There was water everywhere!
February 27, 2011
Jacob - Month 4
Jacob was never really a small baby. He is solid as a rock now! He weighs 18 pounds & measures 26 1/4 inches tall. He's growing very fast! He's a tough kid too. He didn't cry when he got his first shot this time. The 2nd & 3rd shots only produced a couple of tears and short-lived cries.
Jacob can officially roll in both directions. He, like his big brother, decided to be different when learning to roll. Both Dylan & Jacob, learned to roll from their back to their belly first. However, Jacob must have been saving the belly to back roll or something because he did it in the same day. Yep, he rolled from his back to his belly and less than a minute later, rolled from his belly to his back again. Technically, he could already roll from his back to his belly. However, the poor kid could not figure out how to get his arm out from under his belly/chest. It's funny that the day he figures that out, he decides to show off some newly acquired skills as well. Crazy kiddos! Along with his rolling, Jacob learned to make the "g" sound and constantly rolls G's from the back of his throat. He is full of squeals, giggles and all out laughter now. Such a happy baby!
Happy 4 Months, Jacob!
February 23, 2011
Beautiful Days
It's 67 degrees & sunny... and February?! Oh well... Yay! Let's go play! Dylan was super excited for the gorgeous weather because we spent the majority of the day outside in it. He played with his chalk. He was most excited about this. Just two days before, snow still covered the patio.
Dylan having a blast kicking and throwing the ball around.
Jacob watched as Dylan & Mommy kicked the ball around. He ended up falling asleep while we were out there.
February 18, 2011
February Videos
Dylan wanted to hold Jacob the one morning while watching Seseme Street. I suggested maybe Jacob could lay on his lap and it was settled. It was absolutely adorable to watch my two boys cuddling & watching morning cartoons together.
The boys started by playing together in Jacob's room. Dylan even put the basketball rattle on Jacob's wrist. After a few minutes though, Jacob kept trying to roll from his back to his belly & Dylan played with Jacob's toys, haha.
February 16, 2011
After a Nap
Jacob is usually full of noises & smiles after a nap. Sometimes it truly is a reset button for him.
February 4, 2011
Playing in Jacob's Room
Dylan has recently been very interested in playing with Jacob in Jacob's room. He likes re-exploring the baby toys & Jacob's new toys. He tries to teach Jacob what each toy does. It's adorable to watch.
Jacob just stares at Dylan with huge, curious eyes. I have a feeling Jacob will learn things quickly through Dylan.
February 3, 2011
The Boys at 3 Months
The boys at 3 months old. There are times that these two look very similar. There are other pictures where they couldn't look more different. I still find it fascinating to reminisce on Dylan's baby things, photos, baby book, etc. In personality, these two are very different! On many aspects of their infancy, they are complete opposites. I'm so glad the knowledge that I gained raising Dylan can be used rarely. I get to learn all new ways to conquer the struggles & learn new techniques in soothing, feeding, and putting to bed. Being a parent, you obtain a great deal of knowledge that cannot be taught but only through experience. And the experience is such a rewarding one in so many ways.
January 28, 2011
Building A Snowman
Another day of snow this week. Dylan went out to enjoy it again. This time the snow is sticky... sticky enough to make some really good snow balls and build a snowman. I helped Dylan get his snowman started. He did finish it all by himself. I had to help him with the two bigger snowballs, but he managed to get the head of the snowman up and on top of the others. His snowman was almost as tall as him, ha ha. So I thought I would share a couple pictures of Dylan working on his snowman.
Oh and of course he went sledding again too!
January 27, 2011
Jacob - Month 3
It's hard to believe, three months have passed since little Jacob came to join us. He seems to be growing at an incredible rate. Entirely too fast for a Mommy who wanted to enjoy as much baby time as possible, ha ha. Jacob already weighs 15 pounds! He has outgrown most 3-6 month clothing and he's only 3 months old. When I put a 6-9 month sleeper and realized how well it fit, I was shocked!
Jacob has also slept through the night a handful more times now. It's not consistent yet, but I know that is right around the corner! I'm so ecstatic to have a 3 month old that actually sleeps in his crib, haha. That was one of few struggles we faced with Dylan. Jacob, on the other hand, is much more difficult to get to sleep and put down when sleeping. These two boys are so very different at times.
Jacob has also slept through the night a handful more times now. It's not consistent yet, but I know that is right around the corner! I'm so ecstatic to have a 3 month old that actually sleeps in his crib, haha. That was one of few struggles we faced with Dylan. Jacob, on the other hand, is much more difficult to get to sleep and put down when sleeping. These two boys are so very different at times.
Happy 3 Months, Jacob!
Snow Day with Autumn
Another snow storm left us with a couple more inches of snow this month. This time it was enough to cancel the local schools. A friend of mine asked if I could watch her daughter, Autumn, while she went to work. So Dylan not only got some snow to play in, but someone to play in it with as well. He was SO excited to have Autumn over for the day to play. The two of them played together all day long. It actually ended up being an easier day on me because Dylan was so involved with someone else, ha ha. They had a blast playing outside in the snow, building some train tracks & legos and even enjoyed some hot chocolate on the cold, winter day.
January 21, 2011
January 18, 2011
Sledding & Hot Chocolate
So far this year, we have only had small amounts of snow. Dylan did get to go sledding one other time so far this year but there was still only 2-3 inches on the ground. Well... we still didn't get that much snow. However, we did get a solid layer of ice on top of the snow. Dylan's sled went down the hill so fast! He went sledding for a bit but he really enjoyed dropping big chunks of ice on the ice and watching them explode. After Dylan came in from playing outside, he enjoyed a nice cup of hot chocolate. I adore this picture but it makes him seem SO much older!
January 12, 2011
Singing in the Bathtub
Dylan singing "Old McDonald" in the bath tub.
*My personal favorite part of this video is when Dylan says "Sometimes"*
Sweet Sleeping Baby
At 10 weeks old, Jacob slept through the night for the 1st time. I woke up an hour before him to go check on him. He slept for 7 straight hours... and so did I. Amazing feeling that is, to be completely rested and recharged! He only has slept through the night one time and hasn't done it since but I remember and know that more will follow soon. And before you know it, we will all be well rested all of the time :-)
January 11, 2011
Jacob Catching Butterflies
Jacob, at 10 weeks old, playing on his playmat. He loves this thing. He will lay there batting at the butterflies and tiger while cooing like crazy. I love that his little fingers try to grab the butterfly and it looks like slow motion, ha ha.
January 7, 2011
Playing With the Boys
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