
July 10, 2009

ABC's & 123's

Dylan seems to pick up on so many things quickly. I know that I say it all the time, but it seems like he honestly learns something new every single day. He is constantly adding tons of new words to his vocabulary and trying to speak in sentences all the time. Some of the times, you can understand most of the words. Other times, he fills in the words he doesn't know how to say with his own Dylanese words, lol. Among many of his new activities, Dylan picked up on all of his ABC's and can count up to 10 now too! It took him some time to learn all of his ABC's. He started with a couple familar letters like "D" and then before we knew it, he knew them all! We are so proud of our little boy! Now he has moved on to trying to actually sing the alphabet. I'm sure before I know it, he'll have that mastered too, lol. Oh man...time goes by SO fast!

(June '09) In this video, Dylan was playing with his foam bathtub letters.

(June '09) In this video, Dylan was singing. At first I thought he was trying to sing his ABC's, but there were a lot of "J" & "K"'s in there, lol. Maybe he was just making up his own little song, ha ha.

I have still yet to capture his counting on camera.  He will do it all day until I grab my camera and then suddenly he has no interesting in numbers and counting and wants to do what Mommy is doing, lol! So when I do, I will be sure to post it for you.  It's quite adorable.  Although, Dylan is not shy about showing off his skills either.  Last weekend, Dylan was showing Grandma & Grandpa Gray how smart he is by telling them all of his ABC's and counting while we were at the lake.

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