
July 15, 2009

So Many Changes in a Year

I was watching some older Dylan videos today. I always talk about how fast time goes and how much Dylan changes. You can notice the obvious things but it's really hard to realize how much he has changed in the past year. Last summer, Dylan was walking but very wobbly, talking but mostly jibberish, and was bald & a chunky monkey. This summer, Dylan runs so FAST, talking non-stop and even in sentences, and grew upwards to slim out his chunky monkey rolls & dimples. Oh yeah...and grew a whole head of bright red hair, LOL. These videos are from July 2008 so almost exactly a year ago. Enjoy the flashback!

Dylan practicing his walking skills. It seems like it took him no time to master that thing called walking and moved right on to running.

One day I was trying to find something to watch on T.V. and Dylan started dancing like crazy to some techno-sounding Madonna song that I randomly came across. I put down the remote and ran for the camera. You have to check out the face he makes around 9 seconds in or so, LOL.

Bye-Bye my sweet little chunky monkey...Hello my energetic, curious toddler.

1 comment:

lyss23 said...

oh wow, you have a big boy on your hands now...bye bye baby boy!!!! ha ha ha still very cute wether a baby or a toddler!! You are doing a great job Brandi...:)