
July 1, 2009

A Day with Miss Autumn

A good friend of mine from high school asked me if I could watch her daughter for the day as she finished moving the rest of her things to Carlisle. I'm still super-excited to have one of my best friends be that much closer to me! Anyway, I told her that I could watch her for the day and I'm sure Dylan would be excited to have a friend over too! Lauren & Miss Autumn arrived early in the morning and we had a full & fun day ahead of all of us.


Dylan & Autumn spent the morning coloring, playing with cars, and watching cartoons here and there. Dylan was pretty happy about having a buddy stay with us all day to play. I decided to pack the kids up and head to the park before the sun & heat became too much. So later in the morning, we all headed to the park/playground to play for a couple of hours.

Dylan climbing the jungle gyms at the playground. He loves to come here & play. It's a really great way to wear him completely out too, lol. He is usually all over the placing, climbing, running, jumping, and sliding. He gets quite the workout, lol.

Autumn loved the playground too. But of course, all kids love playgrounds. She climbed every piece of equipment there and tried out everything, lol. 

Dylan was extra brave this day, lol. Anything that he saw Autumn do, he decided he wanted to try. He got on the big kid swings, went down the biggest slides, and climbed to the very top of all the gyms.

Silly girl, Autumn, 
posing for a picture!

After we left the park, we went home and made lunch. Autumn asked if they could each lunch on the patio and I thought it was a pretty good idea. So that's what they did. They sat outside in the beautiful summer weather (under the big umbrella, lol) and ate their lunch. It was quite adorable! Dylan was about wiped out shortly after that and the sun also decided to go in for a bit. As the thunderstorms hit, Dylan slept peacefully. Autumn and I did some crafty things while Dylan & the sun took their naps. Dylan woke up from his nap quite rejuvenated and we continued to play outside (the sun was back) with bubbles, chalk, and the cars. Overall, the kids had a blast that day. I had a lot of fun too. However, whew!!! Two kiddos are a lot of work especially when the Mom is used to at least one hour of down time a.k.a. nap time every day, lol. I was definitely ready for bed last night, lol. I still had fun having Miss Autumn over to play and looking forward to more days of play for these two.

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