
November 2, 2009

Halloween '09

Dylan dressed up as a skeleton this year for Halloween.  Last year, we just stayed home for Halloween.  Dylan dressed up as Elmo & handed out candy to all the kids that stopped by. This year, he went trick-or-treating!! Kipe was going trick-or-treating in Mercersburg on Sunday so we decided to tag along with the whole gang.

Dylan had fun!  He was great the whole night. Even though he was shy for most of the night, he walked up to a couple houses by himself! He was definitely not scared of anything. This surprised me because I would think that some of the Halloween stuff would be extremely creepy if I were 2! But anyway...he had fun & came home with a pretty decent pile of candy.  He even got to stop at Uncle Barry & Kelly's house to say hello & grab some more candy of course, lol.

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