
October 27, 2009

Fire Trucks & Buses

Uncle Cameron & Dylan
Last Thursday, I had a dentist appointment to fix a broken tooth. Dylan stayed with Grandma & Pappy Faith so that my trip to the dentist would be much easier.  While staying at Grandma & Pappy's house, Dylan had fun playing with everyone and taking a couple little trips to see stuff.  I thought I would share a couple pictures that I "borrowed" from Chrissy.

Dylan & Uncle Dustin
Dylan got to see and play with Uncle Dustin & Aunt Alisha too. They came over for dinner one night while Dylan was visiting.

Uncle Cam & Dylan
Dylan got to take a trip to a firehouse with Uncle Cameron.  He got an inside tour and got to see all the BIG fire trucks.  I was told that he also had access to the lights as well, lol.  I wish I could have seen it!

Wow!  I am so not ready for this day when it actually happens.  I only have a few more years.
Grandma Chrissy took Dylan to see buses.  Dylan is somewhat obsessed with buses.  He is always pointing them out and letting you know that there is a "big yellow bus" nearby.

1 comment:

lyss23 said...

god bless boys and their big ole' trucks!! cute pictures!! can't wait to see you both again!! :)