It's starting to get much cooler now so on a typical Sunday at the Gray household, this is what you see. You can find at least 3 or more bikes flying through the air & around the track. This picture is Jeff. I can actually watch him ride & take pictures without having a heart attack now. I'm slowly getting used to watching them fly through the air but I must admit...it's still hard for me to watch Jeff without being a little anxious. I will be a complete mess if Dylan ever decides to join the MX world.

A picture of one of the other guys that shows up to ride on Sundays. Like I said before, there are at least 2 or 3 bikes on the track on any given Sunday. Sometimes, there are quite a few more.

This is another one of Grandpa Gray's friends. I'm trying & working on taking better pictures of them riding. It's not a very easy task. The pictures usually end up pretty blurry but I got a handful of decent ones this day.

Grandpa Gray a.k.a. Pa Pa. Yeah...Dylan's grandfather still rides MX. There is a commercial that has a pro-mx rider talking about how his father & grandfather still ride. Every time I see that commercial, it reminds me of these boys. I don't think Grandpa Gray is stopping any time soon so there is a good chance that all three may end up riding together some day, ha ha.

Jeff taking a small break. I love watching Jeff ride! Although, as I mentioned earlier, I still get anxious, lol. Not as bad as I used to though. To my defense, he did break his hand when I was preggo with Dylan, lol.

After Grandpa Gray was done riding his mx bike, he took Dylan for a ride on his 4-wheeler on the trail through the woods.

Dylan rides his 4-wheeler quite a bit now. He even rode it down in the field where all the other mx guys were hanging out. I guess he wanted to hang out with the boys too!

Dylan has a blast playing outside at Grandma & Grandpa Gray's house. They have a HUGE yard where he can run & run! He usually does quite a lot of that too, lol.
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