Lake Jean

This is the view from behind our campsite. There was a rocky path straight down to the shore of the lake. Jeff enjoyed the close proximity to water very much, haha.

The Falls Trail
A little sidenote, I hate having my picture taken and hate being on this side of a camera. So at times, I just act like a giant goof & make the most ridiculous face ever.
This is The Falls Trail. We hiked the big loop on Wednesday starting at the top right of the sign. We saw 18 waterfalls on our first day of hiking. We ended up hiking to see the rest of the falls on Friday. It's hard to keep track of all the falls' names and what they look like but I tried my hardest, lol. I have a ton of video of all the falls too that I will add to this post later so check back.

Jeff perched on a log in a stream taking pictures. You can visit his flickr site below to see his final pictures from Ricketts Glen. He has quite a bit more on there than I have posted so go check it out: Click here!

Oh yeah... I want to mention that it was calling for showers & possible thunderstorms this day. As you can see from the picture, it was not dreary at all. It was extremely foggy all morning but eventually cleared up.

F.L. Ricketts - 38 feet

Huron Falls - 41 feet
This waterfall was really hard to get pictures & video of because it curves quite a bit. Sorry for the stupid chatter & extreme shaking of the camera. I tried to cut that part out before I uploaded it but I must have forgot to actually cut it out, LOL.

Ozone - 60 feet
We actually ate lunch in front of this waterfall. It was awesome.
That definitely beats eating lunch pretty much anywhere else. Can you think of better scenery, lol?
The trail was awesome. It is, however, labeled as a "difficult hike" which is understandable because the terrain in rocky, can be slippery, and descends steeply on both Ganoga & Glen Leigh sides. The scenery is well worth the effort though! It's definitely a place to tread softly & cautiously. There are warnings at all of the entrances of Falls Trail making you aware that it is a difficult hike, wear proper footwear & be in good physical condition.

R.B. Ricketts - 36 feet
This is at Waters Meet facing the direction that we just came from. It is at the bottom point on the big loop where the water from both Ganoga & Glen Leigh side meet...hence the name Waters Meet, haha.

From the bottom of Ganoga Falls...
From the top of Ganoga Falls.... Yeah, that's right. We had to climb 94 feet up the very steep, rocky trail, lol. The log that I was sitting on at the bottom looks like a small stick from up there!

At this point, we finished our hike for the day by heading down the Highland Trail which connects the two sides of the Falls Trail at the top. We packed up the cameras for the day because it had started to rain a little bit. It had actually been calling for thunderstorms and rain earlier in the day. Fortunately, we only saw rain when we could have cared about it least. We were so hot & tired from the hike back up the mountain, the rain kinda felt good, haha. We headed back to our campsite on Lake Jean and Jeff made us some coffee & a yummy dinner! It was a fantastic day!
The Beach Trail
This trail runs along the lake from the camping area around to the beach and is about a mile long. It's a real easy hike which is exactly what Jeff & I were looking for after the long, difficult hike the day before. Needless to say, we had a few sore muscles, lol.

I could not believe how vivid all the colors in the trees were. It was not that colorful where we live. It still isn't that colorful here! It was beautiful.

This is the beach at Ricketts Glen State Park. It is obviously quite deserted during the "off season."
Around the Campground
It was a little chilly at the end of September in the mountains of PA. I definitely enjoyed the fire! Friday morning was so cold & windy. It was a reminder that summer is gone!

Adams Falls, Evergreen Trail & the bottom of the Falls Trail

On Friday, after tearing down & packing up all the camping gear, we decided to hike to the remaining waterfalls. At the bottom of Falls Trail, there is a parking lot for the general public. Also next to that parking lot is Adams Falls & the Evergreen Trail. We saw 18 of the falls on Wednesday & the remaining 4 falls on Friday. If you go to Ricketts Glen, don't forget about Adams Falls which is on the opposite side of the road as Falls Trail but is one of the coolest looking ones!

This is not part of Adams but is the runoff of the pools below Adams Falls. This whole area did not look like Pennsylvania at all! It was amazing! Like I said...don't forgot the waterfall on the other side of the road. The whole area is very unique.
Evergreen Trail
The Evergreen Trail is 1 mile of easy hiking that takes you through an old growth forest. There are huge Hemlocks growing & fallen that are estimated to be more than 500 years old. There are more pictures from the Evergreen Trail on Jeff's flickr link at the top of this post if you want to see more from this trail.
The Falls Trail (from route 118 up to Waters Meet)

Over the week, Jeff & I saw all 22 waterfalls in Ricketts Glen & hiked a handful of other trails as well. It is one of the most beautiful places in Pennsylvania so if you ever get the chance to go check it out...please do! It is well-worth the hiking! Sorry it took me so long to post these pictures. We actually went on vacation in the last week of September but it took me a little bit to sort through everything. I hope you enjoyed the pictures & videos. Be sure to check out Jeff's flickr link at the top to see more!

Ducks stopped by to visit at least once every day that we were there. They were obviously used to people. They hopped up on the rocks and climbed our path & stood about 5 feet away at all times. They wanted fed but we didn't cave, lol.
The Falls Trail

This is The Falls Trail. We hiked the big loop on Wednesday starting at the top right of the sign. We saw 18 waterfalls on our first day of hiking. We ended up hiking to see the rest of the falls on Friday. It's hard to keep track of all the falls' names and what they look like but I tried my hardest, lol. I have a ton of video of all the falls too that I will add to this post later so check back.

Jeff perched on a log in a stream taking pictures. You can visit his flickr site below to see his final pictures from Ricketts Glen. He has quite a bit more on there than I have posted so go check it out: Click here!

Oh yeah... I want to mention that it was calling for showers & possible thunderstorms this day. As you can see from the picture, it was not dreary at all. It was extremely foggy all morning but eventually cleared up.

Onondaga - 15 feet
Jeff took beautiful pictures of all the waterfalls. It's hard to capture the essence of a waterfall but I think that this one shows it perfectly.

F.L. Ricketts - 38 feet

The entire trail is gorgeous. The abundance of huge waterfalls take a little away from the overall beauty surrounding the whole area.

Shawnee - 30 feet
Yeah that is a full-size fall tree laying in the falls. They never look that big in pictures but are huge in person!
Huron Falls - 41 feet
This waterfall was really hard to get pictures & video of because it curves quite a bit. Sorry for the stupid chatter & extreme shaking of the camera. I tried to cut that part out before I uploaded it but I must have forgot to actually cut it out, LOL.

Ozone - 60 feet
We actually ate lunch in front of this waterfall. It was awesome.
That definitely beats eating lunch pretty much anywhere else. Can you think of better scenery, lol?

R.B. Ricketts - 36 feet

A compass carving in one of the big rocks at Waters Meet.
We climbed down a steep bank to stand in front of this waterfall. I'm not even sure how or what he is standing on, lol.

Conestoga - 17 feet
This is where the waterfalls start to get tricky, lol. There is so much water everywhere and it's hard to tell what they consider a "waterfall." Most of the big falls are labeled with wood signs but the others, you are left to guess, haha. I think I figured them out and I am going to try to post a picture of video of all 22 waterfalls.Mohican - 39 feet & Delaware - 37 feet
As we were hiking, I wasn't sure if this was supposed to be one waterfall, two or three, haha. Anyway...I think I figured out that the first fall along the path is Mohican and the second fall I know is Delaware. Again...there is water falling pretty much everywhere so sometimes it's hard to tell where one ends and another begins.

I was standing in front of the 94 foot waterfall, Ganoga Falls. It literally took my breath away. There is so much wind & mist that come off of the falls. I'm not sure how long I stood there. I was mesmerized!
Seneca - 12 feet

Ganoga Falls - 94 feet
This is the big one! It is hard to capture in one picture. It is huge! So here are a few more pictures & video of the biggest falls in Ricketts Glen State Park!
I was standing in front of the 94 foot waterfall, Ganoga Falls. It literally took my breath away. There is so much wind & mist that come off of the falls. I'm not sure how long I stood there. I was mesmerized!
This is Jeff standing in front of Ganoga Falls. You have to walk right up to the bottom of the falls. It is breathtaking! It's hard to put a 94 foot waterfall in perspective in a picture. As you can see, Jeff looks so small in front of a wall of water and it's hard to think that there is another 80 feet above the picture, lol!
From the bottom of Ganoga Falls...
From the top of Ganoga Falls.... Yeah, that's right. We had to climb 94 feet up the very steep, rocky trail, lol. The log that I was sitting on at the bottom looks like a small stick from up there!
Cayuga Falls - 11 feet

Oneida Falls - 13 feet
Mohawk Falls - 37 feet
Also...an example of the steep, rocky steps!
At this point, we finished our hike for the day by heading down the Highland Trail which connects the two sides of the Falls Trail at the top. We packed up the cameras for the day because it had started to rain a little bit. It had actually been calling for thunderstorms and rain earlier in the day. Fortunately, we only saw rain when we could have cared about it least. We were so hot & tired from the hike back up the mountain, the rain kinda felt good, haha. We headed back to our campsite on Lake Jean and Jeff made us some coffee & a yummy dinner! It was a fantastic day!
The Beach Trail

I could not believe how vivid all the colors in the trees were. It was not that colorful where we live. It still isn't that colorful here! It was beautiful.

Out of all the awesome pictures that Jeff took, this one is my absolute favorite. I can't even really explain why but it just is. I love it!

This is the beach at Ricketts Glen State Park. It is obviously quite deserted during the "off season."
Around the Campground
It was a little chilly at the end of September in the mountains of PA. I definitely enjoyed the fire! Friday morning was so cold & windy. It was a reminder that summer is gone!

There was so much color everywhere. It was awesome to just explore the campground itself. It all looked like something out of a movie.
Adams Falls, Evergreen Trail & the bottom of the Falls Trail

Adams Falls - 36 feet

This is not part of Adams but is the runoff of the pools below Adams Falls. This whole area did not look like Pennsylvania at all! It was amazing! Like I said...don't forgot the waterfall on the other side of the road. The whole area is very unique.
Evergreen Trail

The Falls Trail (from route 118 up to Waters Meet)

Harrison Wright - 27 feet
Over the week, Jeff & I saw all 22 waterfalls in Ricketts Glen & hiked a handful of other trails as well. It is one of the most beautiful places in Pennsylvania so if you ever get the chance to go check it out...please do! It is well-worth the hiking! Sorry it took me so long to post these pictures. We actually went on vacation in the last week of September but it took me a little bit to sort through everything. I hope you enjoyed the pictures & videos. Be sure to check out Jeff's flickr link at the top to see more!
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