
October 22, 2009

Whew, for a second, I thought I missed Fall

After a week like last week, I started to wonder if we were going to skip the whole season of Autumn and go right to winter.  It was in the 40s & 50s and constantly raining.  Some places in PA even got snow!  Luckily, it was just a crappy spell.  This week the weather has been gorgeous.  Dylan & I enjoyed every second of it and soaked up as much fresh air as possible.

Dylan racing through the yard.  I think this picture is adorable!  He was so excited to be able to run & race as fast as his little legs will go. Also, it is a great way to burn energy before a nap, LOL.

Of course, running this fast will eventually come with it's own natural consequences. Don't worry, he wasn't hurt. Falling rarely phases him. He jumps back up and keeps going.

Dylan loves to go for walks. It doesn't really matter where you walk, he'll find something amusing to him. He was leaning over the wall looking at the "BIG rocks."

Dylan drawing outside with side walk chalk.  These are  his moons, or at least that is what he calls them. They do kinda look like moons.  I was simply impressed with his circle drawing skills, ha ha.

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