Last year, my Dad's work gave Hershey Park tickets to their employees and family members. They decided to continue this & did it again this year. So we had a chance to venture to Hershey Park with Pappy, Grandma, Uncle Dusty, Aunt Blake & Amanda on Saturday for some fun in the sun.
Differences this year: One, Dylan is a year older & able to enjoy the park a little more. Two, I have little boy #2 on the way so I couldn't ride nearly as many rides. I was a tiny bummed at first because I am an adrenaline junkie but found that I had a TON of fun exploring the park with Dylan in a way I never have.
Dylan & I sent Daddy off to explore the big coasters with Dust, Blake & Amanda while we set off with Grandma & Pappy to find some little kid & pregnant friendly rides. We actually rode quite a bit... trains, cars, trucks, water rides and more. We rode more than the "big kids" did.
Dylan & Pappy riding on the truck ride. This was probably Dylan's favorite ride of the day. Before the ride even came to a complete stop, he said "I want to ride again!" And that he did... not only was this his favorite ride but also with his favorite ride companion. Out of Mommy, Grandma, or Pappy... Dylan always wanted to get on the rides with Pappy.
We even caught a well-timed sea lion show. Dylan was amazed. He just sat and watched in amazement as the sea lions & trainers showed off their skills. Toward the end of the show, he was waving back to the sea lions when they waved to the crowd.
Grandma, Pappy, Dylan & I even rode the monorail. Dylan really liked this a lot too. He actually scoped out all the rides that he wanted to get on next from up there. And as for me... I actually had never been on the monorail before. See... exploring Hershey Park in a new way!
We all met back up at lunch time under one of the pavillions for a catered lunch from Dad's work. The two girls are missing from this picture because they were in a hurry to get back to the park & Pappy was taking the picture.

After lunch, everyone decided to ride something together so we headed for the Coal Cracker which is a pretty big ride. Unfortunately, I was not allowed on this one so I watched nervously from the side while Dylan joined the rest of the crew on the biggest ride he had been on EVER. I couldn't help but literally laugh out loud when I saw the pictures come up at the end of the ride... Grandma looked more terrified than Dylan did. Dylan actually really liked it. Yes... can't wait to join him on the big rides next year! Daddy, Mommy & Dylan stayed in the park a little bit longer after everyone left to hit a handful of more rides. As you can see from the picture above, Dylan got Daddy on his favorite truck ride. Overall, it was a fantastic day! Dylan had a blast & even won a stuffed animal to take home with him. I was happy to get to see the park in a new way & not melt in the 90 degree heat. Can't wait to go again!!!