
June 7, 2010

Kiersten's 1st Birthday Party

The Birthday Girl.  Princess Kiersten is turning ONE!
It was a wonderful day full of good food, cake, ice cream, presents, great friends & family, and last but not least... WATER!  All the ingredients for a successful and exciting birthday party!

Nicole, Kadee & Kaylee bringing Kiersten her 1st birthday cake.  Mommy carried the cake, of course, but the twins had to be right there to "help," lol. 

Kiersten about to dig in to her cake.  She was quite gentle about it.

Cake Face!!!
You have to love 1st birthdays!!

Kiersten (with a little help from Mommy) opening her birthday presents.

Dustin & Kiersten.  She had a little crown, sash & wand for her big day but they did not stay on for very long.

The following pictures are of all the kids playing.  There was a kiddie pool, beach balls, & plenty of things to use for scooping and throwing water on each other.

Kadee posing for a picture.  She is such a ham!  This is just too cute.

Kaylee playing with some chalk & enjoying the festivities of the day.

Dylan & Kaylee ganging up on the older boy, Michael.

A little splashing & spraying each other with water turned into an EPIC water battle.  When it was all said and done with, there were not too many dry people left.  Grandma Lottie was even soaked by the end.  As as you can see from the picture above, Dylan & Dusty were soaked too!

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