
December 28, 2008

Christmas Day with The Grays

Our Family - Christmas '08

Great-Grandma Gray watching as Mommy tried to help Dylan get started on opening all the presents in his stocking.  By this time, Dylan had already opened so many presents.  Can a kid get burnt out on opening presents, haha?

Dylan ripping open one of many cool gifts that he got from his grandparents.  He did get quite a bit of new toys and has been very busy checking out every single one.  He even helped Daddy put the garage together that Aunt Amanda bought him.

Dylan sitting on Daddy's lap and checking out the new tow truck that he just opened from Grandma & Grandpa Gray.  This thing is loaded with all sorts of things to do.

Dylan savored each tiny piece of paper that he ripped off, haha. He took his time with every present and tore tiny pieces at a time.

Mommy & Dylan
E-A-G-L-E-S!!! Playoffs, what!?!

Dylan sitting on Grandma's lap while other people opened their presents.  Yes, that is shampoo & apple juice in his hands.  Out of all of his toys, he decides to play with these things for a bit too.  Non-toy items deserve just as much attention, haha.

Three Gray boys hanging out and talking, about racing or something close to it I'm sure.  Dylan is ready.  He even had his Monster shirt on.

This refrigerator magnet toy farm animal thing is brilliant.  It gives Dylan something to play with in the kitchen and he loves to play with magnets.  

Every single time we are at Grandma & Grandpa Gray's house, Dylan plays with all the magnets that he can reach on Grandma's refrigerator.  He is definately starting to grow upward, especially when he is starting to reach new pictures and things.

Dylan climbing the Daddy ladder

Thank You Everyone for all the wonderful gifts!

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