
December 11, 2008

The definition of...

ram-bunc-tious (adj) --  (1) difficult to control or handle; wildly boisterous.  (2) turbulently active and noisy.

This week Dylan has shown me the true definition of this word.

One unfortunate consequence to the cold winter season is having to stay inside a lot more.  This does not make Dylan a happy camper.  He loves going outside!  It also allows him to run around and burn off some of his energy.  Therefore, on weeks similar to this one, when the weather is rainy, cold, and just generally crappy, we are trapped indoors.  Dylan starts to go stir crazy and then that eventually starts to drive Mom crazy, lol.

For example:
I'm not sure if he plans things out or not but Dylan sets little traps.  
Step 1:  He makes the kitchen & living room look like a small tornado passed through and uses this to distract me.  Within minutes (I have no idea how he moves so fast) the kitchen/living room is covered in pots, pans, dish towels, toys, books, etc. 
Step 2:  As I desperately try to keep things slightly under control, he'll start making bigger messes that usually involve a drink.
Step 3:  By now, I have been cleaning and picking up mess after mess for several minutes.  As I am carrying things back into the living room to put them away, Dylan will do something that he knows that he is not supposed to do.  Or as I'm cleaning up a mess of spilled milk, Dylan will try to pull the nightlight out of the wall, or start the dishwasher, or try to throw something in the trashcan that does not belong there.

Sometimes I feel like I'm being set up.  Like he might be setting up the small messes to keep me busy while he trys to do all the stuff he knows he can't do.
Oh...not to mention, Dylan also has found great amusement in chasing me around the house by tickling me (Thanks for teaching him that Daddy).  He runs up to you pinching his fingers together and usually tries to tickle the back of your knee.  

I will be very glad when the rain stops so that Dylan and I can get back outside again.  It would even be cool to get maybe a little snow to go outside and play in.

1 comment:

lyss23 said...

this blog is tooo funny girl!!! he is plotting against you at such a young age!!! lol can't wait to see you!