
December 22, 2008

The Faith Christmas Party

After we left Great-Grandpa Gallagher's house, we headed off to another Christmas party but this time with the Faith family.  My Dad & Stepmom, like last year, decided to have their small family Christmas the weekend before.  It allows everyone to be able to sit, eat, unwrap, socialize, and enjoy themselves without having to worry or run to other houses/dinners/parties.  Not to mention, it also helps alleviate some running and stressing on Christmas Day.  This year, Jeff, Dylan & I, are staying home for Christmas morning to have our own family time together instead of running off to try to squeeze in another Christmas party.  Anyways, so off we were to the Faith residence to visit with grandparents, aunts, and uncles.  Take notice to the HUGE stuffed animal in this picture.  This thing is big, soft, and cuddly.  Dylan spent the next morning climbing, hugging, and tackling the big guy.  I want to know which one of you guys had to carry this thing out of the store or mall, haha?

The Family Photo (left to right & back to front):
Daddy, Dylan, Mommy, Grandpa, Grandma, Uncle Dustin, Amanda, Aunt Blake, Aunt Alisha, and Uncle Cameron
Yeah it's a big family and this is just the immediate family, lol.

Blake, Dylan & I.  Wow, apparently I have a double chin issue, haha.  The three of us posing for a picture before the present opening begins.

Dylan & Mommy.  Dylan only had about a 15 minute nap before we arrived at my Dad's house.  I tried to keep him asleep as I carried him in and put him down but Dylan had different plans.  He decided to stay up and was surprisingly not grumpy at all.

Dylan playing with the fire truck that Uncle Cameron bought him for Christmas.   He also got a police car from Uncle Cam.  Both of them have buttons that play lots of sounds and music, haha.

Dylan ripping open some presents.  Every time he ripped off a piece of paper, he would say "Yeaaa!" and look around at everyone.  Of course, everyone repeated him and the cycle continued, haha.

Uncle Dustin opening some of his presents.

Aunt Alisha hanging out.  I like the new hair!

Dylan opening another present while Mommy & Grandma watch. 


For a little boy who barely had a nap, he was in quite a good mood.  Must have been all the presents, wrapping paper, and toys, haha.

Bow on the head.  It's just a cute picture.

Dylan & Mommy checking out the new toolbelt set that Uncle Dust & Aunt Alisha bought Dylan for Christmas.  Now he can help Daddy fix anything!

Grandpa Faith & Uncle Cam hanging out.

Dylan playing with his new, motorized, CAT dumptruck.  This thing is pretty awesome, I must admit.  Grandpa Faith even made Dylan some blocks to tow around and dump out.

Thank You all again for the fantastic presents!  Happy Holidays!

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