
December 24, 2008

New Toys!

Sunday was our first round of Christmas parties, therefore Dylan had quite a few new things to check out on Monday morning. First on the agenda, examining this giant groundhog (I think that's what it is, haha). I know that I said it before, but this thing is huge! If you couldn't get the full effect of how big it is from the Christmas party pictures, then this should do it. He's got quite a size difference on the little man. Dylan loves this guy. What kid wouldn't though?!? Seriously, he can climb him, tackle him, or just lean up against him and use him and a big cozy pillow/chair.

Dylan then moved on to all of the other new toys sitting under the tree. He spent the rest of his morning playing with the new trucks. Dylan had a blast pushing the police car and fire truck all around the living room. When he moved on to the big CAT truck, he also tried to push it around the room. There are buttons on the side of it that will make it go forward and backward but there is also a lever that will raise and lower the back of the truck. Dylan only pushes the lever the one way and always raises the back to dump everything out of it. Every time he pulls the lever, he cracks up and runs away from the truck. He either ends up trying to get away by climbing the couch or you, haha.

We are going to another Faith Christmas party tonight at my Mom's house for Christmas Eve. I have not been this excited about Christmas since I was a kid myself. Not that Christmas wasn't important to me during my teens and twenties but it has been rejuvenated for lack of better words. I can't wait to see the little man's face when he comes downstairs on Christmas morning to see all of his presents under the tree. I can't wait to just sit back and watch him dig in! I have actually been driving Jeff crazy as well this year. I am not a very patient person especially when it comes to Christmas. I always want to open presents early and give people their presents right away. But I'm hanging in there, haha. It is Christmas Eve already so.....

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays to Everyone!

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