Rocks are one of Dylan's favorite things. So when he's not in the water playing, he is probably playing with rocks on the shore. He found a shell randomly on the ground last time and then spent a good amount of time exploring & looking for more.

After Dylan polishes off his own lunch, he scouts others for chips, lol. He's pretty good at sharing but also loves chips, haha.

Dylan tried to convince me that he wanted a nap. He actually has taken a nap or two with this kind of set up before but not very often. He usually saves the nap for the car ride home. He falls asleep in less than 5 minutes.

Dylan & Daddy swimming in the lake. A little water baby & a grown up water baby, lol.
I'm not totally sure what was going on here but I think the picture is entertaining, lol. Dylan always asks Grandpa Gray for cookies, haha. Seriously...he has never asked me for a cookie at the lake. He always goes to Grandpa and sometimes Grandma.

I love this picture. I love his face. I love him! I could keep on babbling but the words mean nothing compared to what I feel for this little boy! Seriously though...look at those sweet blue eyes...how could you ever resist?