
August 5, 2009

Little Bald Boy

After I put the last group of videos up of Dylan a year ago, I realized that I don't have very many videos up of him as my cute little bald baby. So I decided to add some more flashback videos...Enjoy!

Ok...this first video was taken with my digital "still" camera. It records video but with no sound and this was before we got our Flip video cameras so it's a silent movie, lol. Dylan is 3 weeks old in this tiny!!

In the next video, Dylan is 9 months old. He was sitting in his high chair entertaining Daddy while Mommy tried to make dinner, lol.

The next video is Dylan's first steps on his own. He had been cruising along everything for some time and barely even holding on. I knew the first steps would be coming soon so I kept my camera with me at all times and recorded just about everything, lol. I was determined to catch his first steps on camera, LOL. might be laughing at me...but I succeeded.

And the last video for this post is Dylan standing up on his own without using anything to pull himself up. I was recording him being a goof because he didn't like the grass touching his bare skin back then, ha ha.

I'm going to keep trying to add more and more videos...both old & new. So until next time....

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