Before when Dylan wanted to play with water balloons, he would say, "Pop a ball," lol. It was pretty cute. However, he quickly picked up the word balloon and now tells you that there is water in there, lol.

He had a blast throwing the water balloons as you can see, lol. Quick side note: Look at
the crazy hair. He had
these little curls at the tips.

He's pretty brave and pulls on the balloons A LOT! He actually popped two water balloons in his hands that I somehow managed to catch on video. I'll add it to the bottom of the post when I get a chance to put it up.

Another example of Dylan squeezing the balloons. These balloons are round! I can't believe he didn't pop more of them in his face, lol.

Dylan also had a couple of water guns as well. He spent most of the time spraying the chairs and his own head and face. It was really hot out that day though, lol.
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