
August 15, 2009

More Fun at the Lake

Dylan playing with his truck, trailer & jet-ski at the lake. Every Sunday that we go to Raystown, he gets a little more brave. I know that I said it in the last post so I won't go into great details again. It just amazes me that he becomes a little more of a water baby every week. It was hard to keep him out of the water last weekend. He had so much fun!

Dylan & Grandpa Gray checking out the scenery and wondering why I am taking a picture of them.

One time when Jeff came back in, Dylan tried to go out into the water without anyone to meet him. Actually, he didn't even look to see if I was coming with him. He just started out into the water, powering through the waves, all to get to Daddy!

Dylan brought toys with him that day. He even played with his own jet-ski in the lake. That being said, Grandpa can also put a little water in an empty soda bottle & Dylan finds a way to make it hilariously fun.

I had to put these two pictures up because his face in both of them are priceless, ha ha. It's amazing what you can make into a toy, lol.

Dylan trying on Mommy's life jacket.  I think it's still a tad big!

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