
August 7, 2009

Lauren & Autumn's House

Autumn just celebrated her 5th birthday last Saturday! Happy Birthday Autumn! Her Aunt Kristen & Uncle Jack built her this sandbox for her birthday. Dylan & I visited Lauren & Autumn this week and he got to check out her new sandbox and slip-n-slide.

Dylan has recently become even more obsessed with cameras than he ever was before. It's actually quite hard to even get a picture of him before he runs over to you and says "Me see," lol. He'll always get in a picture with you and say "cheese" though.

Dylan playing in the sandbox. He couldn't have cared less about it at first. That is, until Autumn started playing. Suddenly, he thought it was pretty cool and started scooping sand into a bucket.

Dylan was definitely unsure about the slip-n-slide, lol. He spent most of the time playing in the water that sprayed over it and in the pool at the bottom. Whatever floats your boat little man, lol.

It was funny to watch Dylan observe Autumn. The longer that we were there, the more of a shadow he became, lol. She would run from the sandbox to the slip-n-slide and he would take off after her, lol.

Summer is Great!!!

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