
May 28, 2009

Say Cheese!

These pictures are from a random, beautiful, sunny day in May. Dylan could spend all day every day playing outside so we try to do just that. We spend as much time as possible every day outside. And those days that we can't (like yesterday) due to crap weather, Dylan goes stir crazy and Mom goes crazy too, ha ha.  It's good for both of us to get out and burn off some energy!

Hanging out and sitting in the shade for a bit. There are moments, every single day, that I look at Dylan and think, "How old are you again?  When did you grow up this much? Where is my little baby boy?" Time goes so fast!  

Dylan practicing his soccer skills. You know...for being 20 months old...he has excellent form, lol. Soccer is in the blood, ha ha.

Dylan running as fast as his little legs can possibly go! It is really funny to watch him run down the hills. He looks like he's completely out of control but his legs are on auto-pilot because he rarely falls. They some how move fast enough and stretch far enough to keep him upright.

Dylan & Mom playing 
outside on a beautiful day!

Just a cute picture of Dylan playing at the top of the hill.  And back to what I was saying eariler...It's pictures like these that make me start asking those "When did you grow up so fast?"

He is actually saying "Cheeeeeeeese!" here! LOL.

May 26, 2009

"What?!? He's teaching me!"

At the very beginning of the video, there is a very quiet dialogue that I must put the transcript for, LOL! In the background and very starts with Alisha...

Alisha: "Dust, don't teach him that."
Dust: "What?!? He's teaching me!"
Chrissy: "Get him Dylan!"

After that, there is still some off topic idle conversation going on as well...but this part was too hilarious to not write! Dylan's uncles teach him all the "bad" stuff, lol. His Uncle Cam taught him to squeeze creamers until they pop, lol.

I'll set the stage for this video. All the men were to our side building a deck. Chrissy was taping Dylan and I was standing next to her. Alisha's sister is beside the hammock in the pink. And last but definitely not least, Dylan's Aunt Blake is in the hammock (for now), LOL.

May 24, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

Saturday at Uncle Dust & Aunt Lish's House

On Saturday, Uncle Dust & Aunt Alisha were having a cook-out at their house. They were ripping out their old deck and spending the day Saturday recruiting some help from the family while feeding us yummy food & cake. Daddy still had some freelance work that he had to get done so Dylan and I packed up and headed to Dust & Alisha's house for the afternoon. We didn't help build the deck but Dylan, however, did provide the entertainment for the day, lol.

Dylan playing soccer in the backyard. It was a really beautiful day but was a bit hot out especially if you were running around in the sun. I think Dylan is going to take after his Mommy & Aunt Blake and play soccer when he gets older!  Both his uncles played too but the girls played for almost our whole life, ha ha.

Dylan checking out Alisha's flowers. He was also very curious about what the men were doing. He kept investigating and trying to help out as much as he can, lol.

Dylan & Grandma Chrissy cuddling in the hammock together. I actually thought the little man was going to take a nap in there but there was too many new things that he still hadn't investigated thoughly.

Dylan being a silly boy and relaxing in the hammock.

Dylan stole Grandma's phone and apparently thought it was the funniest thing in the world, lol.

Aunt Alisha & Dylan. Alisha was sitting on the ground and Dylan came over to her and decided that he was going to sit down right behind her and use her back to prop himself up.

Sunday at the Gray Track

Daddy enjoying the Sunday! We went to Grandma & Grandpa Gray's house on Sunday to hang out for the day. As you can see, even though it was really hot, Daddy & Grandpa were riding, lol.

It's absolutely amazing when I think about this being our second summer with little man. Last summer he was walking but not with great speed. This summer he actually will be hard to keep up with, ha ha.

Dylan James Gray.
You are the best kid 
anyone could ever ask for.
I love you so much!

Daddy taking a break for a few minutes.

Riding his Kawasaki 4-wheeler!
He really looks like he's holding on tight.  This picture makes him look like he's driving up a big hill but I think he really was trying to do a wheelie, lol.

Dylan dancing to the music on his 4-wheeler. He seriously is all-day entertainment for me, ha ha!

May 19, 2009

One Little Monkey Jumping on the Bed

(April '09)
Dylan's used to always jump with one foot remaining on the ground, which was quite funny to watch in itself. Now he's become quite brave to let both feet leave the ground as he jumps. These are a few of his attempts which was immensely helped by the fact that he was jumping in his crib. Although I almost had heart failure, I managed to keep it together long enough to let him have a little fun, ha ha. But now that had some practice in the crib, he has moved on to jumping everywhere including the floor where Mom has less of a heart attack, lol. I'll have to catch it on video to post for you later.

(May '09)
So one day, while I was getting Dylan's bath ready, he decided to show off his strength and muscles! Just a short, cute video. Dylan has been really living up the the "little monkey" nickname and I'll have to catch some of his recent stuff on video. He has really started to climb EVERYTHING...including a real ladder last weekend. I know that I've been slacking on videos so, like I said earlier, I'll have to try to get some new, recent videos of his little monkey activities up.

May 13, 2009

Logan Park

After last week, which was full of rainy weather, Dylan and I were extremely thankful to get a couple really nice, temperate, sunny days in a row. So we decided to ditch the idea of being productive and doing any housework and go out and spend the day playing at the park instead. Who wants to stay inside on a day like this anyway, lol. So we headed back to the park that is not too far from our house, Logan Park. We have come here quite a few times, but every time we come again, Dylan gets a little more adventurous!

Dylan excitedly running to climb the steps of the smaller jungle gym thingy. They have two of these at the park, a smaller one with less steps, smaller slides, etc. And then there is a much bigger one for bigger kids, lol. He was so excited when we first got there and took off running to go play.

Dylan climbing up the steps to get to the top. He didn't forget to stop to pose for a quick "look at me Mom" picture before climbing, sliding, climbing, sliding, etc.

Dylan navigating his way around the top of one of the jungle gyms. I don't really know if these are considered jungle gyms but I don't know what else to call them...maybe play set, LOL.

Dylan LOVES going down the slides. He climbs up, goes down saying "Weeeee," and then takes off running for the steps to repeat it all over again. I still remember the first time I took him to this park and he wouldn't go down the slide without holding my hand the whole way down.

After many attempts of taking a picture of him actually going down the slide, I finally got one where he was not blurry! I love this picture because you can see his arms up and a smile on his face as he goes down.

My little music man playing with the bells. It's quite funny to watch him because he looks like he is trying to play the drums.

Dylan ran over to the swings and said "Up." So I picked him up, put him in this swing and pushed him for about, oh I'd say maybe 3 minutes, before he said "down." I guess the swings are a bit too boring for him, lol.

Dylan going down the curvy slide on the little kids play set. He spent the majority of his time at the park playing on the slides until he decided to go play with a little girl and her little brother for a little bit.

Dylan decided to climb the Big Kids play set which is considerably bigger. This is him sitting at the top of one of the slides on that play set.

One of the times that Dylan went down this big slide, he ended up laying down on his back instead of sitting up. He slide right off the end and landed in the mulch. As I started to head in his direction to see if he was ok, I heard him laugh. He jumped up and took off running for the steps to climb up and do it again. Kids are resilient.

Dylan had an absolute blast at the park and it was the perfect day to spend playing there! Although when we first got there, there were 3 kids already there playing...a young brother and sister and an older boy. As soon as we walked onto the playground, the older boy came over to me and demanded that little Dylan come play "lemonade stand" with him. I was quite shocked at first by the demand but tried to respond as nicely as possible and explain that he's a little bit young to understand how to play things like that and that he would probably just play on the jungle gyms. A few minutes later, the boy started picking up rocks and throwing them in the directions of the other kids that we playing. I kept wondering where this brat's parents were. Just as I thought that, a guy sitting in his truck, wound his window down and said, "Boy...stop throwing stuff," and then wound it back up. WHAT! This all continued for maybe 5 more minutes with me telling the boy also to stop throwing stuff at the children but of course he ignored me and kept going. Just as I was about to go call the father out on being a lazy parent, he yelled for his son again but this time proclaiming..."Come on...let's go...we're gonna go get some ice cream." I was left completely astonished at this man's idea of parenting/discipline but was very thankful that Dylan and the other two (really nice/well behaved) children could all play in peace now! I thought I would just share this story because it is slightly entertaining even though I was well beyond annoyed at the moment. Anyone else want to share a horror story involving some one else's kid, LOL.

May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

If I knew as a child what I know now, Mom,
I probably wouldn't have made things
so hard for you.
I would have understood
that you were looking out for my best interest
even though it may not have seemed so at the time.
I would have known how difficult is is to let go,
to stand back and let someone you love
learn from their mistakes.
I would have realized
how fortunate I was to have a mother
who was always there for me,
even after an argument,
even after I'd say things I shouldn't have.
While it's too late for a lot of things
It's not too late for me to tell you
that I appreciate how loving you are,
how giving you've always been
and that even though
I may not always be good at showing it,
I love you very much!

~Renee Duvall

May 8, 2009

Rain Rain Go Away

So after a few days that felt like summer, mother nature decided to get back to the Spring business. Unfortunately for Dylan & I, that means lots and lots of rain. It has rained all week with very few glimpses of sunshine before another dark cloud rolls through bringing a storm with it. Therefore, all week, Dylan and I have been stuck indoors with only a few chances here and there to go outside and play. We even had to get out of the house one day by taking a random trip anywhere because we were starting to drive each other crazy, lol. So I don't have anything really new to post as far as pictures and videos go. I have a couple really cute pictures from the Summer-like days that we saw last week.

He can be such a little cheese ball, ha ha.

Dylan and Daddy coloring one Saturday morning.

Have a great weekend everyone! Also...

Happy Mother's Day to all the Moms!!!
Moms need to take this day off, lol. Being a mom is a 24/7/365 type deal that never ends so make sure you tell your Mom how much you love and appreciate everything that she does for you.
I love you Mom!

May 1, 2009

Zoo America & Chocolate World

It was absolutely gorgeous this past weekend, maybe even a little too hot! Since it was such a nice day, we decided we were going to adventure over to Hershey to visit Zoo America & Chocolate World too.


This is an American Alligator. Why does he look so familiar? Oh I remember, lol. Anyway, Zoo America has animals that can be found anywhere in the United States. I just decided to put up a few of the better pictures we got. So here are a few more animals.
Dylan yelled "Bird" so loud once he saw this hawk move, lol. It was really cute.

This little guy was actually sitting on a woman's hand. Last weekend was supposed to be some sort of "Celebrating the Earth" weekend for Earth Day but unfortunately we did not get to see much or most of it. This guy, however, was still out and about so Dylan got to see him up close and personal, haha.

Daddy's awesome photography skills of some random spider he found beside a path. I'm glad I didn't see him, lol.

It was SO HOT! Yes, I am aware that I had a long sleeve shirt on and I admit, sometimes I am a fool when it comes to weather and temperatures, lol. I learned my lesson. Poor Dylan was already in shorts and a t-shirt and he was roasting too. He turns bright red the minute he gets hot, lol. He has the "Polar Bear" gene I guess.

Dylan & Mom checking out some animals at Zoo America.

(where the air conditioning lives)

Dylan, Mommy & Daddy hanging out and cooling off for a bit before getting on the Chocolate Tour Ride.

Dylan loved the ride. He was checking out everything. When he saw the cows, he pointed at them and yelled "Cows!"

Mmmm...chocolate. I so wanted to reach out and steal some but my luck they would be empty packaging, lol. I doubt they have real packaged chocolate just for the tour ride, lol.

Overall, it was a really fun day. I can't wait to go back to Hershey Park this summer. All of us are going to the actual park in June with Grandma & Grandpa Faith and I'm sure some Aunts & Uncles too.  It's going to be so much fun!