
September 30, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday Dylan!

Happy Birthday Dylan & Jeff! Dylan celebrated his 2nd birthday while Daddy celebrated his 29th. The birthday boys celebrated their 2nd birthday together at Grandma & Grandpa Gray's house. We had a cookout and invited a few friends & family. The weather even cleared up for the most part and it had stopped raining.

Dylan & Daddy hanging out & having fun.

Thank you to all of our friends & family that came to celebrate Jeff & Dylan's birthday. And Thank You for all the wonderful gifts as well. The boys enjoyed all of them very much, lol. Between Jeff & I, we took a lot of pictures at the party & got a bunch of good ones of our families. I'm just going to post them, haha....Enjoy!

Grandpa Gray

Great-Grandma & Grandpa Gray, Great-Grandma & Grandpa Guyer, Mamma G & Ryan

Aunt Alisha & Grandma Faith

Great-Grandma & Grandpa Gray

Great-Grandma & Grandpa Guyer

Grandma Faith & Uncle Cameron

Uncle Dustin

Grandma Gray

"Uncle" Brad

Great-Grandpa Gallagher

Pa Pa, Aunt Laura, Great-Grandpa Gallagher & Uncle Matt

Dylan was entertaining the guests & enjoying his birthday!

Dylan & Mommy getting in a quick picture together.

Dylan & Jeff's amazing birthday cake that Grandma Gray made for them. Dylan was obsessed with his "car cake." He was trying to take anyone & everyone inside to see his cake. He ONLY wanted his car other cake would do, haha.

Dylan was not so sure about being surrounded by singing guests. He looked around at everyone as they sang. This is Dylan's little cake that we were going to let him dig in & destroy but he only wanted his "car cake."

Dylan ripping into some of his presents! He quite enjoys opening presents. He still rips the smallest pieces off at a time, LOL.

Dylan opening some more presents. He got so many new & cool toys for his birthday. He even got a couple outfits too! Thanks again to everyone for all the awesome gifts!!!

Dylan was passing out toys as he was opening them. I'm not sure if he was really trying to share or trying to find someone to open the boxes for him so he could play with his new toys immediately.

Jeff & Adam. Jeff was opening his presents & cards. Look how tall Adam is! He is quite the young man now!

Dylan's new Kawasaki 4 wheeler. It's still a little big for him & he was a little timid about it at first. Mommy jumped on his 4 wheeler with him for a little until he got used to it. I think he liked driving me around, haha. Before too long, Dylan was riding it by himself (with Daddy just out of the picture supervising, lol).

Thank You all again for all the wonderful gifts.  
The boys spent Monday, their actual birthday, putting together and playing with all the new things!

September 18, 2009

Blog - One Year

It's hard to believe, especially for me, that I have been doing this blog for a year now. I just noticed it the other day. I love doing this blog for several reasons. I personally do enjoy doing it as much as everyone enjoys reading it. It allows me to write & remember all the things that I get to experience at home with my little boy. I also love that it keeps Jeff & I's families connected to Dylan in yet another way. It is a great way to share pictures & videos no matter how far away you live.

Thank You to all of you who enjoy reading the blog. Even though I enjoy doing it very much, it still puts a smile on my face to know & hear that others enjoy it too!

September 17, 2009

"Ziggy Says"

Dylan loves to dance! It is a fantastic cardio workout if you join in. I get my daily exercise by pretty much acting like a toddler, lol. Recently, Daddy bought some new music including Ziggy Marley. Dylan loved it! There is one song called "Ziggy Says." Dylan instantly loved it and started dancing like crazy. It's pretty cute so I thought I would share.

September 14, 2009

Friend & Foe

Anyone who knows me well...knows that I am absolute terrified of spiders. I am the text-book example of someone with arachnophobia. It doesn't matter how small or harmless it may be, I am usually running, screaming, and even sometimes crying (depending on how close it was) to get away from it as soon as possible. I wasn't always this extreme. I found a wolf spider in my bedroom when I was a teenager which pretty much peaked my fear. If you don't know what kind of spider it is...go it. It will scare the crap out of you, lol. I also have been bitten several times by spiders and even have a small scar on my face to remember. Now that I gave you a background on my intense fear of spiders...I have made a new friend, LOL.

This summer has been the summer of bees. I don't know what happened but they are all crazy this year. We have been trying to deal with a yellow jacket problem. They have made a home at the top corner of our townhouse next to the gutter. We have sprayed them several times but nothing seems to work. Last week...we found an enormous spider that had set up shop in the same corner as the bees but on ground level. In no time at all...he had something in his web. After looking a little closer...we realized that it was a yellow jacket. Yay! I hope he kinda stays. It's a love/hate thing for me. I'm sick of the stupid bees and anything that is going to kill them is a friend of mine, lol. On the other hand...I keep my distance. He still creeps me out! However...I will not disturb him. He is doing a fine job because the very next day, he had another yellow jacket wrapped up. Keep going buddy!

September 11, 2009

Running & Racing

Dylan loves to run. He is always all over the place in no time. Lately, Dylan has wanted some running partners. I'm not even quite sure how it all started but Dylan quickly learned that it was fun to "race." He doesn't give you much choice in the matter. He grabs your hand and says "Mommy race!" He usually even picks out a destination to race to. I, being old...haha, cannot last nearly as long as this very energetic little boy. Even after I stop racing him, he keeps on going. He can actually outlast both parents when we are taking turns "racing" him, lol. of his new favorite outdoor activities...Racing!

It all starts at one end yard or the other. Dylan gets ready and says "Ready.....Set....GOOOO!" and takes off running for the opposite end. He is actually quite good at staying within the "boundaries" of the yard.

Not to mention that this is a great way to burn off some of that extra energy! Next time you see him...ask him if he wants to race, lol! You'll be in trouble for the next hour, ha ha ha.

September 10, 2009

Such a Silly Boy

Dylan, being the curious toddler that he is, trying on Mommy's helmet. Just a cute picture. I've got another one to add to this post yet that involves Dylan smelling his own stinky feet, lol.

Here you go.... LOL!

September 9, 2009

Bridal Shower & Bees

Nicole's Bridal Shower

My cousin, Nicole, is getting married on October 3rd. So last Saturday, Dylan stayed with Daddy all day while I went to the bridal shower. I obviously won't put up all my pictures because I took quite a few but I had to show off my beautiful little niece & the twins. Oh...and the beautiful bride-to-be of was her party, lol.

Baby Kiersten! I cannot believe how big she is already. I thought they grew fast when they were your own! She is not quite 3 months old but growing up so fast. I even got a smile out of her! She loves her Aunt Brandi.

Kadee & Kaylee enjoying some cheesecake ice cream...mmm! These two girls are so adoable! They love playing with me too. I do have a slight advantage considering I have a little boy the same age at home, ha ha.

My Aunt Joan (Nicole's Mom) taking a break from being a host to relax with one of the twins while Nicole opens her presents.

Nadine, Nicole & Kristi. Nicole relaxing and hanging out with her maid-of-honor and one of her bridesmaids.

Raystown Lake

Sunday, we had originally planned to go to Grandma & Grandpa Gray's house for the day but the boys thought one more trip to the lake couldn't hurt since the weather was so warm, lol. So we headed to Raystown on Labor Day weekend...yes...a holiday weekend, haha. Overall it was a pretty good day. Although I could have gone without all the crazy, stupid bees. There are always bees at the lake and it's expected to run into a few while hanging out there for the day. This day was so different. I don't know why or what happened in the bee world that day but they were all crazy & quite aggressive. Jeff was stung by a bee shortly after we got there. Then a bee stung Dylan on the back of the knee. His reaction was priceless though. He said "hot" and pulled a handful of yellow jacket out from under his leg. There was no fussing...he just seemed a bit confused about what the heck just happened, lol. His Daddy jumped around for at least 10 seconds or so, ha ha!
Jeff killed couple bees that kept coming back and all of a sudden we were completely surrounded! We relocated a few times with these annoying, stubborn, agressive bees following us pretty much everywhere. Grandma declared a chemical war on them and broke out some bug spray which seemed to finally chill them out enough to leave us alone!!! The rest of the day was great, ha ha!

I managed to get a couple of cool pictures of Jeff jet-skiing. I had to post this one because I managed to catch him mid-fall off the jet-ski, LOL.

September 3, 2009

Water Gun Fun

Dylan practicing his aim with the water gun. At least he doesn't point it at his face and squeeze it anymore, lol. He usually holds it out to the side to shoot it. It still has excellent aim me, lol.

If it involves water, Dylan will love it. Water guns, water balloons, a bath tub, or a makes no difference to him. He loves it all!

I can't remember what exactly he was doing in this picture. He is getting so big. It's crazy to think that he will be 2 years old at the end of this month!!!

Dylan has excellent aim with the water guns now! He spends most of the day squirting me and saying "I get you."