
December 30, 2010

Christmas Day at the Gray's

 After Christmas morning at our house, we headed to Grandma & Grandpa Gray's house.  Dylan helped pass out presents again.  He was a little helper at all the Christmas parties/gatherings.  

 Jacob stretched out on Grandpa Gray.

After opening his presents, Dylan played with some of his new toys until dinner was ready.  This thing is awesome.  It's basically a kindle for kids.  I was a little jealous, ha ha.  Anyway... both of our children did extremely well with all the parties and visits this year!  I am so thankful to have such wonderful children.  It was our 1st Christmas as 4 and a excellent one it was!

Thank You everyone for the wonderful gifts!

Christmas Morning '10

 A rare thing happened this year on Christmas morning.  Daddy was the 1st one out of bed, haha.  Dylan must have heard him though because seconds later, he was awake and ready to go downstairs too.  It was an exciting year for Dylan this year.  Although I don't have too many pictures to post from that moring, we do have some video too so I'll have to work on getting some of those up for everyone to see.

After all the presents were open, Daddy & Dylan spent time playing with new legos and even played a round of Candy Land while Mommy got a few baskets of cookies put together.  Daddy was wearing his Christmas present too.  He's like a kid in that aspect, haha.  On top of the absolutely wonderful Christmas morning, we also had a few flurries to complete the morning.  Nothing crazy but just enough to have a white Christmas morning.

Christmas Eve at Momma G's

 Dylan & Mommy at Momma G's Christmas Eve party.  Dylan was patiently waiting to open his gifts.

 Uncle Barry meeting Jacob.  We are so busy during the holidays that it is hard to visit all of our families.  So for some of my family, this was the first time that they got to meet Jacob.

Thank You to everyone for the awesome gifts!!!

December 28, 2010

Christmas Pictures '10

Jeff, Brandi, Dylan & Jacob
Christmas 2010

The Boys
Christmas 2010

December 27, 2010

Jacob - Month 2

Jacob's 2nd month was a bit more challenging than the first, believe it or not.  He gave us a couple of weeks of sleepless nights coupled with gassy issues, ha ha.  Either way, it passed and we survived.  He is back to his super happy & sweet self.  Jacob is a very smiley kiddo.  All you have to do is smile at him & he lights right up.   Jacob had a few giggles already too!  He is very close to rolling over.  One of his new favorite past times is staring at his fists with amazement which he holds straight up in the air.  He is so comical to watch.

As you can see from the picture above, he has chunked up quite a bit too!  At his 2 month check-up, he weighed 13 pounds 12 ounces & measured 24 inches long.  He has already almost doubled his birth weight.  He is one solid little boy!

Poor Jacob had to get his first round of vaccines as well at this check-up.  He surprised me!  He only screamed with the initial shot but was done by the time they got the band-aid on his leg.  What a champ!!!

Happy 2nd Month Jacob!

December 23, 2010

Faith Christmas 2010

 Grandma & Pappy Faith celebrated their Christmas the weekend before.  Dylan is super excited for Christmas this year! He has been so entertaining to watch.  His reactions to everything are so exaggerated.  It's awesome.  Three is a great age to capture the excitement of the holidays.  It's just as exciting to be the parent!  It's going to be a fun Christmas!

Jacob hanging out on Grandma's lap.  

Every present he opened was like it was the first.  He was so adorable.  Dylan quite enjoyed every single present and has spent every day since then digging in and playing with all of his new toys.  Thank you all so much for all the awesome gifts!!!

2 days until Christmas!!!

December 20, 2010

Cooing & Smiling

Jacob at 7 weeks old.  He takes after his Mommy & big brother already.  He is constantly trying to talk or making cooing noises.  I even caught a smile on camera... which is rare.  Usually I'm 2 seconds too slow.

5 more days until Christmas

December 14, 2010

Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer

Dylan's favorite Christmas song.  He knows most of it but gets stuck from time to time and needs a little help remembering the words.  He only sang half of it on camera but I still wanted to share with all of you.  Enjoy!

11 days until Christmas!!!

December 3, 2010

My boys...

Christmas Cookies!

Ahhh Christmas!  Everyone loves the holidays!  One very small element that I love...  Christmas baking!  Dylan and I have been making all sorts of yummy cookies.  Dylan loves to help with the cookies.  He is an expert at pouring ingrediants in the bowl now... mixing too.  This year I have found several amazing recipes!  These chocolate chip cookies are the BEST that I have ever made.  I was a little skeptical at first because they are a little different than your typical choc chip cookie but yes... just amazing!  I also have finally beat my cookie nemesis, the oatmeal raisin cookie.  Baking like this is not really helping me drop those last ten baby pounds, ha ha ha.

November 27, 2010

Jacob - Month 1

Jacob is already one month old!  It's hard to believe that 4 weeks have passed since little guy joined our family.  Jacob has been a great baby.  He eats well & sleeps well.  Although he is generally content most of the time, he isn't afraid to let those powerful lungs belt out a few when he does want something.  Jacob is a bit of a fireball, lol.  When he wants something, he wants it now!  Luckily for us, that usually only involves food.

At Jacob's 1 month check up...  He weighed 10 lbs 8 oz & 23 inches long!  He grew SO much SO fast!  He's on the 90th percentile for height even though he didn't get Mommy's long legs either.  Also, tiny grins and smiles have been popping up lately!  My sweet little Jacob...

Jacob even celebrated his 1st holiday, Thanksgiving.  For many of our family, it was the 1st time meeting the little guy.  Jacob slept pretty much the entire day while being passed around.

Happy 1 Month,  Jacob Ryan!

November 24, 2010

The Yawn Pictutes

Dylan or Jacob???

My Morning Boys

Dylan & Jacob are always so happy in the morning.  I am not a morning person at all & usually need a dose of coffee to be fully functional. It's a lot easier to be a morning person when you have these two boys to wake up to.

November 16, 2010

Fall Fun

Dylan playing outside with a bunch of his "Cars" cars, ha ha.

Dylan going for a ride on his 4 wheeler.

Handsome little man.

Sleepy Jacob.

Sleeping again.  He does a lot of that.

Jacob at 1 week old.

November 11, 2010

Dylan or Jacob?

Dylan & Jacob look so much alike, it's crazy.  Now there are subtle differences obviously because they are two different kids but I was so surprised at how similar they do look.  There are moments when I look at Jacob and totally see Dylan, lol.  So I thought I would post a couple pictures so that everyone could see what I'm talking about.  These pictures are of them at the same age.

The boys at 1 day old while we were still in the hospital.

At 1 week old....

So you tell me.... do they look alike or am I just losing it, ha ha?

November 10, 2010

Our Two Boys

Dylan & Jacob.  Dylan loves his little brother.  He has been nothing but sweet to him.  He always wants to help with Jacob & is constantly curious about what his little brother is doing.

Dylan playing outside & enjoying the sunshine.  Jeff stayed home with us for our first week home.  Dylan quite enjoyed having Daddy home that week and was sad to see him have to go back to work.

Liitle Jacob at 2 weeks old.  He is such a sweet baby!  He reminds me very much of Dylan.  Not only in appearence but also in his very mellow attitude.  We are so blessed to have two very sweet boys!

November 1, 2010

Welcome Jacob Ryan

Welcome to the world Jacob Ryan!  Jacob arrived on Wednesday, October 27th at 6:32 a.m.  He weighed 7 pounds 9 ounces and was 19 inches long.  He was so sweet from the start.  After a few short cries, he laid on Mommy's belly and checked out the world with wide eyes.

Thanks to everyone for all the well wishes & more pictures will be up very soon!

October 22, 2010

Dylan's 1st Pumpkin Carving

Dylan & I went to pick out a pumpkin to carve this year for Halloween.  We decided to go pick one out and carve it before little brother gets here.  First, Dylan picking out a pumpkin is a painfully slow process.  He runs from one pumpkin to the next saying "Ohh Mommy, look at this pumpkin.  Ohh, look at THIS pumpkin."  We finally found the perfect Dylan pumpkin and headed home.  After we ate dinner, Daddy & Dylan sat down to tackle the pumpkin together.  This was the first year that Dylan carved a pumpkin so he was super excited.  On top of that, Jeff couldn't remember how many years it had been since he, himself, had carved one.  Dylan would not stick his hands in the pumpkin to pull out the seeds & goo.  He said it was too yucky.  Goofball... we tried and tried but he refused to put his hands in the goo and made Daddy do it, ha ha.  I wanted to put up a picture of Dylan's 1st pumpkin carving because he was SO excited about it.  He loves it!!!

October 19, 2010

Sleepy Hollow Ride Day

Sleepy Hollow MX track had a fun day or a ride day where you could come and ride your dirt bike for the day.  The boys enjoyed riding on a different track.  The ladies enjoyed sunshine & taking pictures.  Dylan enjoyed watching all the bikes & all of the other big trucks & tractors he could find as well.  There was beautiful weather and overall a very fun day.

Dylan & Mommy checking out the bulldozer.  See, Dylan had to check out all things there including this, the tractors, the water truck, etc.
Aunt Amanda watching & taking pictures of the boys riding their bikes.

Some times it was a bit loud, especially when a lot of bikes were nearby.  Dylan didn't seem too bothered by it and just covered his ears, ha ha.

Grandpa Gray out on the track.

Daddy enjoying a day of riding.

And JR out on the track as well.  

October 12, 2010

Dylan's 1st Dirt Bike

Daddy & Dylan checking out the new helmet & dirt bike.  Yes, they actually make them that small.  I was surprised too, ha ha.  You can even put training wheels on it, as you can see.

Dylan trying on the new helmet with Daddy & waving hi to Mommy.

Dylan listening to Grandpa Gray talking about all the bikes parts and what they do.
I must say, that's a pretty cool looking helmet!

Um... yeah.  The "big" kids had to have fun too, ha ha ha!

See... even Grandpa Gray couldn't resist the munchkin bike.  Although, watching the "big" boys ride his little bike probably gave him a little more motivation to give it a try.

Dylan is very cautious about anything new.  It always takes him a little bit to warm up to anything new.  Even riding his powerwheels 4 wheeler was followed by a couple rides with Mommy first.  Dylan took Daddy for a couple rides on the bike first to warm up to it a bit.  Not to mention, Daddy could have a chance to show him how everything works and what not.  I was so scared but Mr. Brave decided to put his helmet on and give his bike a try all on his own.  I am comforted by the helmet & training wheels but will probably always be nervous when he rides a bike.  But I'm a Mom, what do you expect, ha ha.