
April 23, 2010

A Play Date with the Lake Girls

(Kaylee, Dylan & Kadee eating lunch outside at the picnic table.  Both of the girls wanted to sit next to Dylan and it was very cute so I really needed this picture.)

I really missed hanging out with my cousin, Nicole, so I gave her a call earlier this week and said that we need to try to hang out some time soon.  Plus I also needed a good dose of Kiersten.  She is growing up so so fast and I missed that little girl like crazy.  Nicole told me that they had the twins at the end of the week through the weekend.  It was decided... Dylan & I needed to come visit and set up a play date for him and the girls. Kadee & Kaylee are almost 3 years old so they are very close in age to Dylan.  Also, they all seem to always get along so well.  So that's exactly what we did, set up a play date.  Nicole & the 3 girls met us at Aunt Joan's house so they all had a huge yard to play outside in... and we got to visit Aunt Joan as well.  Dylan loves Aunt Joan and even sometimes calls her literally, "Fun Aunt Joan," lol.  It was an awesome day.  The kids had a blast! I even managed to snap a couple of pictures so here you go...


Does it get any cuter than this?  Seriously, she is the most precious little girl.  She's always happy & as you can see, quite photogentic too.
She is starting to take steps on her own.  She is quite the mover now. Before you know it, she'll be running around with the twins.

Dylan & Kaylee on the big chair together.  She was sharing fruit snacks with him.  Dylan, however, doesn't really care for them and decided to share them with Mommy, lol.

Dylan & Kadee playing outside.  Kadee was playing dress up earlier, if you couldn't tell, ha ha.  These two get along really well.  It's so adorable to watch Dylan playing with the twins.

Here are a few cute pictures that I took of all the girls too...

April 16, 2010

Beautiful Weather & Logan Park

Dylan & I love going to the park to enjoy a day out in beautiful weather.  It was absolutely gorgeous out so we decided to go play at the park for the morning.

This is a picture of Dylan at the highest point on the whole playground.  He loves that fact that he can climb anywhere and everywhere.  Apparently he has no fear of heights, lol.

Dylan sliding down the biggest slide on the playground.  He burns so much energy while we are there running from one jungle gym to another playing on anything that he can find.  It's great for a solid nap time as well, lol.

Take a moment to really see what's going on in this picture.  Look at what Dylan's feet are standing on.  Yes... he thinks he can do anything now.  He saw a 4 year old climb this.  Within 2 minutes or so, he attempted to climb down and then back up.  The only real problem is... his legs aren't quite long enough to make it to the next step.  That doesn't stop him from trying... or me having a heart attack about it.  I try not to hover & let him be a kid.  I think back to when I was a kid and I climbed literally everything.  Therefore, I try not to be too overprotective and let him enjoy exploring & learning new things he can do.  But oh man oh man, it is not easy.

April 15, 2010

Big Boy Haircut

Up until this point, I've trimmed Dylan's hair when it has gotten a bit out of control.  I wasn't ready for the big boy haircut yet and loved, loved his beautiful long red hair.  I got brave today and decided that maybe it's time to go for our "first big boy haircut."  This is a picture of Dylan waiting to get his haircut.  Bunny kept him company until it was time to climb up into the chair, lol.

Dylan was an extremely big boy and sat in the chair all by himself.  He didn't crack a smile or talk to the lady when she asked him questions because his shy, unsure part of him took over.  But that's quite all right because he did sit extremely still the entire time she cut his hair.  He eventually did talk to her when it was all said and done with.  He told her "Thank You" and even got a lollipop for being such a big boy.

So here is the new Big Boy Haircut...  I'll have to grab some more pictures because this one is kind of hard to really see anything except how short it is in the front.  I think this haircut has taken what little baby boy I had left... now he looks so much older or grown up.

I'll try to add more haircut pictures to this later so you can see more of his big boy haircut.

April 14, 2010

Hiking to the Tree House

Although Dylan is usually riding a 4 wheeler with Grandpa Gray through these woods, we decided to hike the trails this day & check out the treehouse.  I thought I would share a couple of pictures of Dylan hiking in the woods at Grandma & Grandpa Gray's house.

Oh yeah... and a cute picture of a wild bunny.  It was a good picture so I threw it in there too, lol.

Outside in April

I was looking through pictures yesterday and saw a few cute pictures to put on the blog from earlier in April.  These are just pictures from playing outside... Dylan's favorite thing to do!  This first picture is his "thinker" picture, lol.

Dylan loves to kick a soccer ball around with you.  For a 2 year old, he really does have great coordination and aim with his feet.  I love playing soccer with the munchkin already and adore that he loves my most loved sport.  Dylan has recently, however, been quite interested in trying to catch the ball.  He has pretty much mastered a bounce pass and will catch it 9 times out of 10.  We are still working on catching the ball without the bounce.  He has also mastered his throwing skills.  He can throw the ball directly too you almost every time.

April 7, 2010

Hiking at Pine Grove Furnace

The weather has been absolutely gorgeous lately!  Jeff has also spent a couple weekends trapped by work. Therefore, the past Saturday, with no work lined up, Jeff wanted to get out and about and enjoy the wonderful weather.  Dylan & I obviously agreed.  Daddy suggested we go hiking at Pine Grove Furnace since we have never been to that particular State Park to go hiking.  Not to mention, he found that it would be pretty easy hiking for the little man's first "real" hiking trip.

We packed up some sandwiches for a picnic lunch & headed off to go hiking on Saturday morning.  My friend, Lauren, decided to soak in the beautiful weather too & joined us on our mini day trip.

Dylan was facinated by all of the  water, lol.  He kept looking for frogs or at least that's what he was telling us.  He soon enjoyed simply splashing in the water by throwing rocks in the creek or smacking a stick in the water.

Dylan perched up high on a fallen tree.  It makes him look so little & big all at the same time.

These next few photos are just some really cool pictures that Jeff took and I liked them so decided to add them in this post too.  

Dylan was collecting rocks the whole time too (of course).  In this picture he had to stop to put them in his pockets, lol.

Lauren, Dylan & I on our way out of the park for the day.  I can't believe the boy still wanted to walk after all the walking that we already had done.  He's quite the trooper.  Even I was a little bit tired.  After we got back in the car, he was quite the ham showing off for Lauren in the backseat.  In a matter of minutes though, he was passed out.  We all had a blast and it was just so nice to get out and about in nature on such a gorgeous day.  We are looking forward to many more hikes now that the boy has had his first "real" hiking experience and loved every second of it, lol.